Picolax prep for bowel lap- really worried! - Endometriosis UK

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Picolax prep for bowel lap- really worried!

G3miniStar profile image
14 Replies

Hi everyone, I have my second lap with a bowel shave on the 22nd and the consultant has asked me to do bowel prep prior and I actually think I'm more worried about that than the op itself! I'm being prescribed Picolax which I've been told is a 'nice one' to have, if there is a nice one!

Could anyone please share their experiences of Picolax bowel prep? How long were you on the toilet for? Does it hurt (I usually have pain when number 2-ing anyway)? The nurse told me it can be quite debilitating and I can't eat from 7am the previous morning (21st) and surgery is at 4pm on the 22nd- how do I keep my hunger under control and energy up when I'm not allowed to eat and pooping my guts out?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated! x

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G3miniStar profile image
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14 Replies
Smokey2020 profile image

Hi. I didn’t have this particular laxative so googled it and it sounds better than what I had. It is much less volume of liquid - one I had was 4litres in 6 hours and tasted horrendous. I didn’t feel hungry at all but with 4l of liquid who would 😂

It wasn’t sore going to the toilet as it is such a strong laxative it will not be solid. I’d recommend getting those flushable wet wipes as much kinder on the bottom. Stay home and close to a toilet as it works pretty quickly and you’ll need the toilet frequently. I found using a straw to drink the solution helped so give that go if you’re struggling. Best of luck with the op.

G3miniStar profile image
G3miniStar in reply to Smokey2020

Thank you Smokey - 4 litres sounds awful, I'm not sure I'd be getting off the loo from peeing so much, let alone what it's intended for! 😂 x

Minnie153 profile image


I’ve had Picolax on 2 occasions in the past; it’s really not that bad - you do need to fast but you’re also asked to drink a lot more clear fluids to ensure you don’t get dehydrated prior to surgery. The taste isn’t too bad either, you need to drink the mix down quite quickly as this solution warms in the glass. I drank a lot of flavoured water and found my hunger was ok, hunger is transient anyway and comes and goes. I wasn’t on the toilet excessively as expected you go a couple of times and it’s manageable you won’t have an accident on the way to the toilet. I hope this has helped.

Good luck with your surgery.

G3miniStar profile image
G3miniStar in reply to Minnie153

Hi Minnie, thank you for sharing your experience with Picolax, that's reassuring! Think I have it in my head that I'll just be rushing constantly to the loo and not being able to control it. Also worried about passing out as I have low blood pressure. From your post it sounds ok though, so maybe it will be more manageable than I think! x

Jasmin24 profile image

Hi I understand you pain around when going, and especially when taking picolax, has my pains can often trigger from going.

The taste is OK, but it is worth asking the consultant if you can put a cream like anusol. and pain relief. Mine was just for a colonoscopy, which was just a investigation.

But due to my pains, I was allowed to use that and take pain relief.

Like the other ladies said, stay at home, close to the toilet. Rest to save your energy.

But defo ask the consultant, not the secretary, has I found the pain extremely overwhelming, especially when the fluid bowel prep past.

I hope you get the answers you are looking for.

G3miniStar profile image
G3miniStar in reply to Jasmin24

Thank you Jasmin, I do wonder about the pains from going so much. I have toilet wipes which I always find more comfortable than toilet paper and I'm going to get ones with aloe vera in them (I'll treat myself, lol!). Interesting about the anusol, I'll definitely ask x

Jasmin24 profile image
Jasmin24 in reply to G3miniStar

I was told my consultant it will help, as it can get very sore, when passing it hurts.Bad enough dealing with other pain.

Skyboots profile image

Hi again I have had this for a bowel opp around 15 years ago it is a very aggressive form of laxative so don’t leave the house and make sure the loo is close by, it literally flushes you out completely if I remember I had a bit of pain but you will be fine try drinking some lucozade sport as it’s an isotonic drink will give you everything you need if you can’t eat let us know how it goes I will be needing this for my opp whenever that will be 😞

G3miniStar profile image
G3miniStar in reply to Skyboots

Thank you! I will definitely buy some Lucozade, thank you for that suggestion. I will let you know how it goes too. Hopefully you will get your op through soon! x

Amber83 profile image

Your allowed Jelly when your doing bowel prep ( not dark coloured like blackcurrant ) so I made up some orange jelly and ate a little bit when my tummy felt empty, it helped a lot. Although I didn’t really feel hungry. You could do that up to 12 hours before your surgery I think then your not allowed anything.

I was so nervous about the bowel prep as well but I just set myself up with my jelly, water and a good tv programme then when I had to go I just went to toilet and put you tube or something on my phone to pass the time lol. You do get breaks between going so don’t worry. After about 6 hours I was just passing clear water. At no point did I have any accidents either, u have to just laugh through it. You will be fine! Good luck with ur op x

G3miniStar profile image
G3miniStar in reply to Amber83

Thank you Amber, jelly is a good advice! Can I ask, how did you know when you were done and didn't need to go any more? I can imagine it feels like it goes on forever! x

Amber83 profile image

I got to the point where everytime I took a sip of water I’d need to go to the toilet again to let the water out lol. I stopped drinking water and didn’t get anymore feelings of needing to go and that was it. X

persil profile image

Hi I've used picolax a few times it is quite powerful bowel cleaner but it doesn't hurt follow instructions drink plenty water flat lemonade you can use rehydration sachets to keep you well as it's quite exhausting get some sudacrem and use each time you go you can suck boiled sweets day before jelly etc good luck stay right next to the toilet get a few magazines and a couple of good films most of all keep drinking. I've gotta take Gastrogafin in 2 weeks time and it does same thing I believe wish it was picalax you can always speak to your Dr of any concerns. X

G3miniStar profile image

Hi all, so just wanted to give a quick update on the Picolax for anyone who sees this in future as I'm mid-effects of the Picolax. Took the first dose at 7am, small amount of water to dissolve the powder (150ml only) and tastes like lemon.

It start working maybe an hour after I took it, there was no 'mess', just a sudden urge to go. Went a good 5 times over the next two hours but it is only water coming out. Took second dose at 10am and again maybe took an hour to feel it and four hours later I'm only going maybe once every half hour. No pain in the bowel at all. Should say it's also very controllable, you can walk to the toilet rather than run.

One thing I will say for someone in future, protect your bum early in the process! Every time I go it feels like the fire of a thousand suns round my bumhole (sorry, TMI!). It hurts very early on in the process and only gets worse. I left it too late to start using the Vaseline and officially hate myself. Prep at the very beginning with vaseline, sudocrem or anusol - I'm not kidding, don't take this lightly!

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