Abdominal hysterectomy anxiety!!!! - Endometriosis UK

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Abdominal hysterectomy anxiety!!!!

32 Replies

8 days until my surgery, abdominal hysterectomy can't sleep and very very anxious. Thinking all sorts, terrified with it being open surgery!!! Help help help xx

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32 Replies
Soundofmusic52 profile image

Oh bless you I had mine about 12 months ago I got worked up but I was so glad I had it done in the end I was so scared I never went to some appointment s it was only the consultant who rang me up and basically told me off that I went as for the operation their was nothing to it and afterwards I soon recovered so glad I had it done so don’t worry you will be fine x

in reply to Soundofmusic52

Did you have open surgery or keyhole xx

in reply to Soundofmusic52

Can u please just tell me about pain relief after and how long did the op take xxx

in reply to Soundofmusic52

I'm only 29 xx

Soundofmusic52 profile image
Soundofmusic52 in reply to Soundofmusic52

Sorry yes mine was keyhole I was 64 I went home on the same day the pain relief was paracetamol and I had to inject for 12 weeks to stop blood thickening don’t worry you will be fine x

Ambersun1 profile image

Good luck, I'm on the waiting list x I try to think how good I will feel after I've healed and that's helps me. X

in reply to Ambersun1

Yes I suppose so. Hopefully they will give me something on the day to calm me xxx

Ambersun1 profile image
Ambersun1 in reply to

Sure they will if you tell them you're feeling anxious. X

Soundofmusic52 profile image
Soundofmusic52 in reply to

Yes they do give you something to calm you down x

in reply to Soundofmusic52

Good I'm glad. See if it was keyhole don't think ide be so frightened. Then I'm thinking god I'm only 29 what if something happens I'm so young. Panicking won't help me and won't change anything anyways so don't know why iv got in a fright over it. Yes I had blood thinners after having my baby, and c section so I was guessing the same with this operation xxx

Love_Yellow profile image
Love_Yellow in reply to

Please may I ask if this was your Choice or something you have been told you need?

Have you got any children?

If so have you completed your family?


in reply to Love_Yellow

Sure.... For around 10 years I've been having heavy bleeding, had some large lumps removed and endometriosis. The past year has been horrendous agonising pain, emergency trips to hospital, have had operations in the past to try help tried different types of contraception, then on to drugs to stop bleeding nothing helped so I was put in to menopause and started on hrt even that didn't stop it. I was seen in April and told this would be a definate to stopping it as I knew anyways the pain most days is awful and was having a real impact on my life. Don't get me wrong this was mot a decision taken lightly iv tried 10 years of different operations and treatment, my family is complete but I can't have any more children if I wanted too after my past 2 deliveries iv had serious thyroid problems my levels were that high I was at severe risk of thyroid crisis weather you know what that is so my endocrine doctor has warned no more children. As I said this was not taken lightly after 10 years of treatment and so many hospital admissions this year that was a decision made by both me and my consultant it's quite rare some one of my age but as I said iv had 10 years of these problems and would be dangerous for me to have any more children regardless xx

Soundofmusic52 profile image
Soundofmusic52 in reply to

Oh bless you you have had a rough time over the years and so young you will have a new lease of life now I am sure so look forward to the future it will be best thing for you let us no how it all went stay safe x

in reply to Soundofmusic52

Thank you for being so kind!! Yes I'm grateful for the children I have, but like my hubby says I can't go on like this and hospital admissions all the time I know with open surgery the recovery is longer and more painful but il be fixed!! And I can get on with my life. I will let you know how it went xxx tak care xxx

Love_Yellow profile image

Oh Wow..... You have been through a lot. My consultant back in October told me that she would advise for me to complete my family as soon as possible , but my partner isn’t ready for another child yet, I’m worried that these pains and symptoms I’m experiencing are a sign that my endo has become worse😣

I’m currently taking contraceptive pill back to back but this does not stop the bleeding or the pain. My bleeding is still really heavy and my pain is excruciating, I’m currently taking 60mg Codeine and Paracetamol, also Morphine if that doesn’t take the pain away and in most case it doesn’t.

I’m so scared to attend my Appointment in August in case I’m going to need another OP.


in reply to Love_Yellow

My gp has always been quite strict with pain medication which is another reason I cant go on like this. Iv tried codeine before and only had morphine on hospital admissions a consultant sent me home with oramorph once and gave me the script to give my gp to re prescribe but he wouldn't. Yes it's been a long time for me. Even if I said ide completed my family I think he still would of ummd and ahhhd about it, but the fact its dangerous for me to have any more children with the post partum thyroid issues I get he knew for sure my family was complete have you not tried tranexemic acid for the bleeding xxx

Love_Yellow profile image
Love_Yellow in reply to

Oh god that is strict. I’m still stocked about all this, I didn’t even know anything about endo until i was diagnosed, I just thought what was experiencing was normal, until the horrendous pain started and I new that something wasn’t right.

I think we all need praising for what we go through.

I wish you all the best with you OP and in the future. Take Care xxx

in reply to Love_Yellow

Thank you honey and you too. I hope you get somewhere, there is zoladex but that will out you in to menopause and you will need tibilone hrt with it. Just see what else they can offer xxx

Love_Yellow profile image
Love_Yellow in reply to

Thank you. I will definitely look into more help. Xxx

Yes do it's so annoying alot of people shrug it off because most of the time gyne isn't life threatening but doesn't mean to say we're having a good quality of life living like this xxxx

AllthatGlitters profile image

Hello lovely and of course you are going to feel anxious as it’s a big thing you are going through. Remember once you are knocked out you won’t know or remember anything. The pain from your op is probably less than all of the suffering and horrendous labour like pains you have been through so many times in the past. You are brave. Remember what you are doing this for, to have your life back. Keep us posted on how you go. Xx

in reply to AllthatGlitters

Your totally right.... I'm getting so worked up at the mo can't sleep and so anxious over it. Thank u for the support xxxx

Anna1511 profile image

I had mine this year april 27 after thinking for for almost a year until my body couldnt wait and take it anymore.

I told my dr my preference would be laparascopie (the 3 small holes) she said they will try their best- that was not possible so I had abdominal plus laparascopie. My uterus was 20 cm plus almost 3 kg.

First day after it was painful yes- but team was on top of pain killers so it made it ok!. I started walking to the bathroom and clean my self 2 days after it.

I had a catheter to go pee from monday to wednesday. The drain was put out after 2 days.

I was give lots of iron infusions as I lost some blood but thats mainly because I take blood thinners.

I understand how you are scared but you cant imagine how good you will feel after!. So worth it!.

Go to this website:


So much support of women going through the same. 💓

in reply to Anna1511

Fab thank you very much!! If I'm honest I'm more frightened of the anastetic!! I don't know why Iv had anastetic a few times before but ur talking nearly 12 years ago and 7 years ago so quite some time. The ward nurse told me cos I'm first to go down around 9am to arrive at 6.45am I may even be able to go home the following evening I though it was a 2 to 3 day stay for open surgery. Did you have a drain iv heard different stories some people have had them some people have just come out stapled up and with a catheter. I had an emergency section nearly 12 years ago and was put to sleep I've been told it's very similar to a section but more painful. How long does the surgery take considering all being well. Xxxx

Anna1511 profile image

I never had kids ☺️ So I wouldnt know but my friends that did said my cut its the actual size and place of a c section. It is painful but i guess while trying to move the first day- Pain killers were around the clock and one time I did ask for a stronger one.

The pee catheter stays there min for a day. My surgery was monday and my catheter came out wednesday. Same night going home??? I stayed for 6 days- even if after day 3 i felt more like my self. Even if you are having only laparascopie there will be a drain.

I went in to get all hookep up at 12 to start with the procedure of anasthesia and all and i remember been back in my room around 16.30 or so. Once surgery is over they get you into the waking up room to monitor how you wake up blood pressure and so. My big cut was closed with internal sutures and on top with these like band aids that help close thise stitches. And the little cuts aswell.

I honestly tought it wouldbe much much harder than it was recovery and everything- it really wasnt after 2 days.

Ask anything :)

I am in Germany

Thompson36 profile image

Hi, I can totally relate. I had a total hysterectomy last February by keyhole. Even though I had had 6 previous endo surgeries this scared the life out of me for some reason. I worked myself up into a right state, convinced something awful was going to happen. The op went really well and the immediate recovery wasn’t as bad as I thought. When I came round I had a some pain but was managed with oramorph. The next day I found I didn’t need it. I didn’t realise I would have a catheter but this was removed the next day and was a little uncomfortable. The packing removed from the vagina was probably the most uncomfortable but was ok once removed. I was home after 48 hrs and by day 3 did not need any painkillers. Probably the worst part was trying to go for a bowel movement even having taken Laxido. So I would suggest you get some prescribed beforehand and start taking as soon as you can. I was spotting for about 2 weeks after but only lightly. The swelling took a few weeks to go down. A week in and I was able to shower myself and walk around the garden a few times a day which they recommend to avoid DVTs. I know it’s daunting and wish you well and good luck xxx

in reply to Thompson36

I've just spoke with the pre op nurse now she said ile need to come home on blood thinners yet I've had them before so know what to do. She said I'm last on the theatre list now (so sit worrying all day) because I've had a recent overnight hospital admission so because of risk of mrsa I have to be last and barrier nursed what ever that means. I'm to go in for 7am don't know y that early if I'm last. She said the anesthatist will give me something on the day to relax my nerves and will be in 2 days minimum with it being open abdominal surgery. Also I have to have a rectal swab how embarrassing!! Xxc

BoilerMissle profile image

I did not end up having a hysterectomy, but I did have open surgery (vertical - pubic bone to above belly button) to remove an ovary, tube and endometrioma a couple of years ago. I was terrified!! If it’s open vertical, the recovery is long and you won’t feel “normal” for longer than you’d expect. It’s frustrating.. HOWEVER, the pain was not really an issue for me. Just make sure they stay on top of the pain meds in the hospital. By the time I got home 3 days later, I was taking Aleve only (I’m not sure what the equivalent is for you, but I only took what they gave me at the hospital for a day or two and then moved to something I had at home that wasn’t as strong because I really didn’t need the strong stuff!)

I can't snap my self out of it lol. Becoming an issue xxx

Bcec profile image

Hi, i had abdominal surgery a couple of years back, to unstick my ovaries & bowel. I was put on a pda after surgery which gave me morphin and they would also put in paracetamol, you just push the button when your in pain and it gives you a shot. It definitely helped for the first day, after that i had codine or paracetamol tablets every couple of hours. I was in 4 days and by the time i was home i was mainly just on paracetamol and some codine at night for the first week.

I found the drain the most uncomfortable part but it was removed quickly, if they offer you gas & air take it, i didnt but wished i had.

The best thing i found for my recovery was just walking a little each day. Not far but just a bit further everyday.

Im having a total hysterectomy in October, with bowel surgery but keyhole this time. Its a scary thing to have to go through. Good luck and think in a couple of weeks it’ll all be over & you’ll be recovering.

in reply to Bcec

See it must be different in some hospitals out hospitals don't do the drains.... Yet I've read online alot of people have drains with abdominal surgery. I'm just gona go in.... And think what will be will be you can't change anything and I can't keep going on like this hospital admissions every couple of weeks. They did say though they will sedate me b4 going down to theatre so hoping il not be that anxious then xxxx

in reply to

It's not even the pain I'm worried about it's the bloody anastetic xxxx

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