Hi all,
I need a bit of help/advise on how to move forward. Just had a call with the doctor. I tried many meds, but they do not help much. I have very tight pelvic muscles that causes pain. I am taking Cymbalta for my nerve pain that is caused by tight muscles. I have Mirena, that does not help much.
The doctor suggests to have a surgery to make sure that pain is caused by muscles and there is nothing bigger. I had MRI recently , no endo infiltration. I have endosalpingiosis that cannot be seen on MRI. .... Surgery can be just excision or hysterectomy. I am not sure which one to choose. I know it is my decision but want to hear different opinions. A bit lost hear, since the doctor (surgeon) says it is up to me how to move forward and what I would like to do.
Unfortunately, my insurance so far denied botox for the pelvic muscles and so I cannot have PT. I tried PT and it was very painful for me , after each session I am in pain for 2 weeks.
Will be happy to hear from you!