Hello there.
Some background info about me: I'm a 23 year old female with fertility problems that run in the family. We have a history of PCOS - My sister has it. I would like some help from women who have experienced bowel symptoms related to endometriosis/have endometriosis or bowel endometriosis or maybe have gone through a similar situation to mine?
I have been having very erratic bowel symptoms for over 2 years now. I have seen a Gastroenterologist - had a colonoscopy and an MRI scan among other tests, such as calprotectin and microbiological stool tests. - All clear, no evidence of inflammatory bowel disease. Doctors suspect it is probably IBS (because they have no idea what else it could be)
My symptoms (and sorry if too detailed, but necessary to explain):
- Sudden, explosive diarrhoea (mostly after eating, sometimes randomly)
- Extreme abdominal cramping randomly or after eating
- Occasional rectal bleeding (maybe due to anal tearing)
- Extremely noisy, gurgling noises after eating which usually indicates I am going to have diarrhoea (random - not triggered by any specific foods)
- Diarrhoea or bowel movements seem to be more frequent during menstrual period
- Lower back pain
- Specific stabbing pain on the right side of my stomach near the belly button that comes and goes randomly (but always in the same exact place)
- Chronic fatigue - sometimes too exhausted to get out of bed, shower etc
- Extremely low B12 not due to dietary lifestyle (Possible malabsorption problem? Was having B12 injections but because of COVID-19 I have been pushed onto oral B12 supplements)/ low-ish iron levels which were not of immediate concern
- Long term sufferer of mental health issues throughout life from being a child - anxiety and/or depression
- Pain in the legs - usually right thigh or back of calves (very random, not due to over exertion or exercising)
- Usual menstrual cramping and/or being woken up from menstrual cramps
- Sudden lack of sex drive (thought it was due to my contraceptive pill, so I stopped taking it and it hasn't made a difference whatsoever)
- Very deep, intense stabbing pain in the pelvic/uterus region during a bowel movement (random, but recently happened)
- Pain during sex (always in the same spot/area?)
My sister and I initially suspected if I could have PCOS because it runs in our family and I am quite hairy, have/had suffered with acne for over 10 years which was not treated successfully by anything but Isotretinoin. I was supposed to have a transvaginal ultrasound - which I never received the appointment for - so I never ended up having this. I brought up my symptoms relating to sex, my period and my pelvic pain to my Gastroenterologist and he said he would have to refer me to Gynaecology and said it could possibly be endometriosis.
I have recently (in the last 1.5months) been put on 100mg Sertraline and I take B12 oral tablets. I am supposed to take Mebeverine 3 times daily before eating.
Have any of you had any similar experiences to this? I don't really have problems with my periods - except they are sometimes heavy during the first few days but not extreme. I don't have intense pain during my period to the point where I have to stay in bed. However, it is enough pain for me to have to take painkillers (usually 30mg cocodamol). What made you suspect that you had endometriosis and when did you finally get your diagnosis? Can bowel endometriosis or endometriosis be missed during MRI/CT scan if it is deep endometriosis?