I have hydrosalpinx in one tube caused by my endometriosis. I am to have the tube(s) cut laparoscopically to stop the fluid going back into the uterus and causing implantation failure. They will also do a hysteroscospy and biopsy at the same time. After the op we are trying one last round of ivf. (Our first three have failed) Has anyone else had a salpingectomy? What was the recovery like? How long is advisable to take of work (desk job)? I’ve only had one lap before, to remover cysts and endo, but that went a bit wrong and to stop a bleed I was opened up, which meant two nights in hospital and a longer recovery.
Hydrosalpinx : I have hydrosalpinx in one... - Endometriosis UK

Hi I have just come across your post. I recently had an mri which showed ‘significant anatomical changes’ due to endometriosis, uterus tethered to bowel, large cyst in left ovary, and hydrosalpinx right tube. I’ve been referred to gynaecologist to see if I need an operation to help before any more IVF. I still don’t even have an appointment. Very frustrating! I will be 41 at Christmas. I had 1 round of failed IVF in April. Keen to get going again ASAP. Interested in your story. How long did it take from referral to op? How are you doing now?
Sorry premature send! Did you have the Salpingectomy? Hope it worked out for you x
Thanks for the reply. I had both my tubes diathermised as they were both affected badly by endo and were both swollen and filled with fluid. Hydrosalpinx can cause implantation failure and miscarriage so really hoping this works for our final go at ivf. I can’t remember time from diagnosis to op. I had the mri in April I think, and op was August. (Although I was already on the list for a hysteroscopy and dilation). Recovery went well. Had a review six weeks after the op and started the ball rolling for ivf straight away. Jabs start next week. (Been on pill for three weeks first)
Wow very exciting. Very best of luck to you. I hope we can get an appointment soon to get things moving again. In total limbo at the moment x