Hi All!
I have an excision laparoscopy scheduled for 21st October. I am stage 4 with a cyst on either ovary (4cm and 5cm), adhesions, kissing ovaries and hydrosalpinx in one of my tubes. My surgeon is hoping to go in and remove a lot of the endo, unstick my ovaries and remove the tube with hydrosalpinx. Basically preparing the way for IVF, which I will hopefully start again in the new year. I have never had an excision lap before, only a diagnostic back in 2017, when they just drained a large cyst. Recovery wise I was hoping by week 5 post surgery I would be mostly back on my feet. I was hoping to go to Disneyland Paris the last week of November? Just seeking advice on if anyone else has done something similar? Is this a crazy idea or maybe possible? I have already warned by work that I will be off for at least 4 weeks, maybe more. What do you think?