I had my first laparoscopy last friday and had some adhesions lasered off. My period's due next week. Is it likely to come when it was due or does the lap tend to mess that up? I'm getting some fairly grim pain and trying to work out whether it's surgery pain or endo/period pain. Joy!!
Period after laparoscopy : I had my first... - Endometriosis UK
Period after laparoscopy

I was in the same predicament as you, had my lap last Dec. period due 2 week after lap. My period showed up right on time (for the first time in like 3 years!?!?!). It was the most painful period i have ever had. however it was over pretty quick, id say it was period pain youre having. Stock up on pain killers and hot water bottles and use it as an excuse to have a duvet day or two with some girly films and choc! Hope it passes soon and you're healing well
Thanks that's really helpful. Sometimes just being able to pinpoint what it is can make it easier to manage. The pain has got more period like throughout the day, leg pain's just kicked in and I feel utterly despairingly depressed. I'm due to bleed on wednesday so hopefully it won't keep me hanging around too long.
Of course! you can drive yourself crazy thinking, is it this, is it that!? I'm so sorry you're having such a crappy time. I really do understand, having an op and then feeling worse after makes you feel really low. And add the fact you arent able to do day to day things for yourself - lets put it this way, i was a crying mess! Its frustration and tiredness and generally feeling like a massive turd mountain.
If you ever wanna chat, i'm here and i understand. take good care of yourself and keep your chin up missy!
Oh god yes, the crying. My boyfriend's been staying with me post surgery. He mentioned earlier that he might go home tonight and I sobbed for half an hour. I'm surprised he's not running for the hills. I feel so dependant and needy right now, I barely even recognise myself. Normally he stays for the weekend and I'm pushing him out of the door by Sunday evening. Right now I can't tolerate even the idea of being on my own!
Hahaha Perhaps your boyfriend should talk to mine.
He was a SAINT last year. He would wash and dry my hair for me, made me food, took my son to and from school etc. I just sat there crying the whole time feeling bad for being needy but then being needier. I just felt sorry for myself tbh and terrible. Its just your hormones and just generally being low because your body is using everything to get better.
I promise you it goes away, it doesnt last forever. I think it was day 16 post lap, the day i cried over bread not fitting in the toaster. Its now a family joke!
I know its not what you want right now, but perhaps a bit of space maybe just for a night might do you both some good, as long as you are up to it. x
I just had mine 2 weeks after my lap. Was a bit early, but only about 5 days. It was totally normal and not painful apart from normal mild period cramps. It was heavy the first day or two but nothing out of the ordinary. Only thing i had was bad nausea which i always get. I actually just posted on her about it as i cant beleive how normal it actually has been after reading lots of others bad first periods. I guess everyone is different. I had endo lasered from my pouch of douglas so expected to be in agony!