Hello all hope your all doing well just a question.. I had my laparoscopy and dye test just over 3 weeks ago now and just having my first period after operation. After the op I had a slight bleed but nothing I would call a period. But now I have properly come on I am still bleeding alot of clots ? Is this normal for ur first period after the operation? Iv always been very heavy and passed clots but I was hoping from the operation this would have slowed down ? Thank you in advance for any info. Also has anyone successfully fallen pregnant after this treatment? How long after the treatment was you successful ? Xx
Period after laparoscopy : Hello all hope... - Endometriosis UK
Period after laparoscopy

My first period 2 weeks post op was as bad if not worse than usual. I was told the first 3-6 months can still be bad.
I got pregnant the first cycle of trying so didn’t have another period until now. Sadly our pregnancy was ectopic, so now after this pregnancy loss and emergency surgery, I’ve had a period (this is about 4 months and a bit post the endo excision) and it’s been amazingly better than before the op.
So I can’t tell you how quickly the periods settled but it seems they have now. And while the pregnancy was ectopic all our specialists are positive we conceived in first cycle trying post excision, as we’ve never conceived naturally in years of trying before.
I noticed you said lap and dye - did you have any endometriosis excision? If you just had a diagnostic lap and dye and no endo excision then it is unlikely to change your pain/heavy bleeding at all. The dye test can apparently clear the tubes and help conception
Hey thank you so much for ur reply, yes my left tube and ovary was all stuck together and my bowel and uterus they managed to remove a majority of it... and said they was happy with it.. I'm so sorry you have been through all of that, I hope you to get your little family soon xx
Hi there,
My first period was painful, more painful that usual, but they weren’t very painful before. My 4th period post op has just started and there is no pain, it’s reduced every month. My periods weren’t heavy, so I can’t comment in that respect. I had my endo removed because of reoccurrent miscarriages and failed ivf. We are just about to start trying again and decided to wait until now to ensure I’m fully healed from surgery. From my experience it will definitely get better, good luck x