Awaiting Specialist Appointment - Endometriosis UK

Endometriosis UK

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Awaiting Specialist Appointment

AudreyNola profile image
1 Reply

Hello Lovelies,

I'm new to this community, so I would like to pop in and say hello but also I've been reading your stories and you are all so wonderful. I haven't had my Endometriosis confirmed yet, but I'm seeing a specialist tomorrow. Let's just say, I'm a 19 year old that has had to fight her case, and I am petrified.

It all started when my periods began, initially I thought there was something wrong with me, all my friends at school had begun their period and started growing breasts. At 14 years old I was still wearing those vests that 8 year olds wore, my periods hadn't begun and I was bullied for still being a child (stupid right). Well it was 3 months away from my 15th birthday when suddenly I became extremely poorly. I had blood in my stools, it was painful to wee, I found myself vomiting in the morning and evening and my tummy was swollen and painful. I spent the majority of the day with a pillow between my legs crying eating ice cream. My mum called my local doctors to book me an appointment but due to the fact I was vomiting they refused to see me (they had a fear it could be the flu). 4 days later, the vomiting subsided and period had started. My parents were wonderful and it explained everything. It all began to make sense.

However, it began to decline when I hit 15/16 years old. The periods were so painful I ended up missing weeks of school, heat pads and hot water bottles with regular pain relief was all I could count on. When I was at school and a period wasn't due I would have to run to the bathroom crying, begging my mum to bring some more tights and a clean school skirt or trousers up for me as I had a random heavy bleed. I was constantly wearing sanitary towels because the spotting never ended. My mum saw the pain I was in and suggested a form of contraception to control the periods. Of we went to the local GP and discussed going on the Pill, I agreed. I was on the pill for a total of 3 years. I became severally depressed, I was suicidal and emotional. I was then put on anti depressants. Thankfully I received specialist help and was given "Happy Pills". The novelty of the contraception pill soon wore off.

Although the Pill made my periods more regular, it didn't help the pain I found myself in daily. The pain within my stomach made bile rise in my throat. I was sick and my lower back was in such agony I was sent to a Physiotherapist to help with the pain. I would cry and scream, rocking back and fourth, begging for someone to take my womb out. I didn't want it anymore, as a young girl that has always wanted children, this wish was strong and I definitely meant it when I said it. I began noticing pain in the Vagina when having romantic moments with my boyfriend that would shoot into my pelvis and down into my knees.

At 17 years old I realised that this pain wasn't normal after speaking to my friends and asking them how painful their periods are, most of the time I had to wear trousers that were too big for me due to the bloat I would obtain. The doctor even said it looked like I was a couple months pregnant the last time I visited her. I began to have constipation, more blood in my wee and I was constantly back and fourth form the doctors with problems with my kidneys, bowels, bladder and periods. I've had 5 ultrasound scans internal and external, so many blood tests and urine tests, with little success.

I was always given antibiotics, one because their was an infection present but also because I there was blood present in all of my urine and bowel samples. It was exhausting and with my Aunty and Nan passing away due to bowel, bladder and ovarian cancer, it scares me.

Not long after my 17th birthday, I sadly miscarried a baby I had not known existed, along with this revelation and the fact I have always suffered from painful periods the doctor suggested having the Mirena Coil fitted, I agreed and I signed all the official documents agreeing to have this procedure done. 3 months after having the coil fitted I was administered to hospital three times due to the agonising pain I was experiencing, I found myself fainting when I had my periods and becoming paralyzed in bed when the wave of pain hit. The GP who fitted my Coil suggested it might have pierced the lining of the womb so off I went for more scans, which came back negative. I was made to feel like I was lying, like it was all in my head. The GP simply gave me codeine to help with the pain and to help me sleep, taking into consideration I suffer from bloating and constipation, this didn't seem to deter her from putting it on a repeat prescription for over a year.

This year was the final straw. My current boyfriend, who is the most supportive person I have ever met, would have to hold me whilst I cried and screamed, I felt like I needed to push! I would miss periods for months on end, even though I did many pregnancy tests they all came back negative. Nothing was adding up. Until I feel ill with a fever and collapsed. I was taken to hospital and found myself in Resus with a suspected infection. I stayed in hospital with strong antibiotics and morphine to help the pain that was unexplainable to the doctors. Soon I was in tears again, it was the day before I picked up my A-Level results and found out whether I would make it into university and I was still bed ridden in pain, even with the Morphine. I demanded to be seen. A nurse and a doctor came round and felt my tummy. I begged them not to because I was in so much pain even to move. The doctor insisted, I couldn't say no because I was grateful to see him, he felt around and as soon as he reached round to the right side of my abdomen I screamed and punched him (reflex of course). I couldn't stop crying, instantly they questioned our family past of cancer and suggested it could by ovarian cysts or my appendix, so down I went for more ultrasound scans. With no cysts or lumps showing on the ultrasound and my appendix only being swollen and not grumbling, they simply pumped me with more morphine and said I could be discharged.

The following night I was back up in A&E, the pain was yet too much for me to handle and my lower back felt week and was throbbing along with my abdomen, They did I dip test in my urine and justified the pain through a Bladder Infection, giving me more antibiotics and guess what EVEN MORE CODIENE.

A couple of weeks pass and the pain hasn't gotten any better, the pain when passing stools and urine had not improved, even after finishing the course of antibiotics, my periods were inconsistent and the pain started moving into my back, stomach and deep in my pelvis. The pain would get worse nearer to my period but I found I wouldn't bleed, yet I knew I was due because the pain would get more intense. My boyfriend insisted I went to a different doctor as he struggled to see me in this much pain. I would sweat, shake and scream when a wave of pain hit me, he felt powerless and knew I couldn't continue.

Off we went to a different doctor, she took one look at my medical history and knew they had missed something. For safety measures she did a quick examination and urine test and confirmed it wasn't an infection. She noticed it had been a horrible ordeal since I was 14 years old, she instantly mentioned Endometrosis, I hadn't really researched what that meant and only thought it could occur in older women. She was angry with the constant handouts of antibiotics and codeine and the lack of investigation. The Doctor referred me instantly to a Endometrosis specialists in a private hospital along with a dietary specialists. I was a relief that someone had listened to me, she believed in all my symptoms and told me I wasn't going crazy and that this pain was real and millions of women feel exactly the same as I do.

I begged for help, she gave me medication to help me go to the loo, she was precise in what pain medications I could take to avoid me upsetting my bowels; although this only left Paracetamol. She apologised she couldn't give me anything stronger due to the complications of undergoing investigations. She gave me a list of websites to look at in the mean time and what over the counter and home remedies that will help until I see the specialist.

The special day to me anyway is tomorrow, I'm praying they have further advice and support. What do you ladies suggest... I am 19 and currently at University so budget friendly please :)

Thank you <3

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AudreyNola profile image
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Hansen82 profile image

Ah this sounds awful, you have had such an ordeal. Thankfully you have found this doctor and I hope meeting the specialist tomorrow goes well x

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