I am 53, post menopausal and been on combined continuous HRT (patches and pills, 75mg patches, 100mg pills) for nearly two years with no problem, my menopause symptoms were HORRENDOUS and the HRT solved them almost overnight…. then a month ago I started heavy bleeding and it hasn’t stopped since, every flipping day heavy and bright red and lots and lots of dragging pelvic pain. If you read my profile you’ll see my sad and long endometriosis history. Anyone else been in my position and do you have to stop HRT? It took my three years to make the decision to go on the flipping stuff knowing it was risky. My HRT doctor said the progesterone would balance out the oestrogen and stop it coming back and being oestrogen dominant.
If you stop the HRT, does it immediately stop the bleeding and pain I don’t understand why it’s happened out of the blue and where the blood is coming from….and when this happened once briefly (but not like this!!) before I had to have a hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic and the procedure was medieval, way worse pain than my ectopic pregnancy, results were clear of cancer thank god. My GP has booked me an urgent ultrasound for next week or two. Yes, another flipping ultrasound.
I am so upset as I thought my endo and pains and bleeding were over, is the HRT causing it?
In the past I’ve had polyps and fibroids and cysts removed, I’ve had ectopic pregnancy, ablations and laparoscopies (three) and the whole nine yards of gynaecology hell etc. Now wondering if hysterectomy is next step or if to totally stop the combined HRT. Why okay for so long and then this?
It also hurts when I have a bowel movement though no bleeding from bowel, and I’ve also been diagnosed yesterday with lichen sclerosis which I had never heard of. One thing after another after another after another, now going on over 30 years. I am really fed up today. Cue the painkillers….