does anyone else with endo get like a horrid sharp stabbing pain in their abdomen when they cough sometimes or just clear their throat? its not every time or every day but GOD it hurts, its like always on one side or the other of my lower tummy, not really the middle. have had this for a while and just wondered if its just me or if its endo related
pain with coughing: does anyone else with... - Endometriosis UK
pain with coughing

could be Endo/adhesions pulling, if it continues though worth checking out. The trouble with Endo it can produce different symptoms and other things get missed. You know your body well.
yeah, i wasnt sure if it was something else but its literally only ever in my lower abdomen, like near one of my hipbones sort of like in the ovary or appendix area and on the other side too if that makes sense, its not like a chest or lung pain so i thought thats what it might be! thanks! ill mention it to my nurse when i have my pre op next month
I get this too, it’s horrible isn’t it! Do you get it when you sneeze as well?
Worth mentioning to gynae or a gp xx
I get this, especially when ovulating. Sometimes I cant even stand up straight x
I get a pain like that in my lower back, does it count as the same? Joys of endometriosis! 😅
I get this too! Plus every time I sneeze, & sometimes just by moving. It's usually down by my right ovary, but can be both sides or in the middle. Used to think it was adhesions but have none down my right side, & apparently less endo down that side than on my left (waiting for excision surgery). My other theory is ovarian cysts as I know I'm prone to them. Otherwise no idea. Endo specialist hasn't been able to give me any answers.
Me too, everytime I cough or sneeze when I have a pain flare up it hurts! I dread getting a cold, when I cough or sneeze I have to lean forward (everyone thinks I'm trying not to wee myself) as it relieves some of the tension, definitely mention it at your next appointment
I get this and you’re right it does really hurt. Sometimes hurts with sneezing too. I’ve always put it down to the adhesions plus very damaged ligaments due to severe disease. Often worse on left side than right.
I get this too and it can be very painful.
Back to basics here. Our diaphragms have muscular attachments to the pelvis so when you cough it will pull across the pelvic region and back- depending on your core, lesions and adhensions you’ll feel it in different spots.
LONG POST & Pregnancy trigger!!!! But only telling my story. Hi I am just new to this site. I had my 3rd C-section 5 months ago. After my second baby I started getting horrendous pain on one side, just like the area you are explaining, lower right side, almost like my ovary, I had my appendix removed a long time ago so I could rule that out. Coughing sneezing, going for a poop were all triggers of pain. I had numerous tests /scans and always to be told they don’t know where the pain is coming from. Whilst pregnant with 3rd baby, as my womb grew bigger the pain in my right got so severe that I couldn’t walk from a to b.. I couldn’t stand up straight, turn over or even get out of bed, I kept mentioning it on every check up to my consultant, and they just kept telling me “it’s probably adhesions from previous surgeries” any way I spent numerous night stays in hospital from week 30 of pregnancy with PV bleeds, and managed to make it to week 37 where they performed my 3rd c section. My adhesions were so severe and surgery took so long that my little boy was born unresponsive (but thankfully pulled through)
My small bowel was attached to my abdominal wall, and on the other side they needed to cut through my rectus muscle to enter abdomin in order to get to my womb.. when baby was born they immediately called the emergency peads team where they spent 20 minutes resuscitating and giving him oxygen, and we were so so lucky that he was in such good hands that day. The team & surgeons were hands down amazing!
However, they performed a little adhesiolosis (snipped at some of the adhesions) before stitching me up.. the pain has certainly got so much better, however I’m still aware of it and will come and go from time to time especially around my period and ovulation time, or when I am constipated or do too much exercise, but heaps better, and at least I know now that it was endo all along and I am prone to a lot of ahesions after surgery.