Feeling Undermined and Overwhelmed - Endometriosis UK

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Feeling Undermined and Overwhelmed

Clio135 profile image
ā€¢9 Replies

Hello, this post is longer than I intended but I wanted to give some context - my actual question is the last paragraph so feel free to skip to the endšŸ™ˆA quick summary of my symptoms- progressively getting worse since starting periods at 10, having to stay home from school by 12 or 13 due to immense pain waking me, vomitting from pain, painkillers useless etc.

When I was first prescribed the combined pill at 16 I thought it was a great help until I went back to the doctor and said it only lessened my pain and I was still in a lot of pain every 28 days, he insisted "well you can't have period pain without a period" and told me to take them back to back with no breaks.

As if my body wanted to prove him wrong, I began getting pains regularly (most days although mild) at which point they just started swapping my pills every time I went back. Shortly after this, I began feeling a swelling/hardness on the right side of my abdomen beside my hip which would come and go. I saw the doctor about this and he waved it off as he couldn't feel it, even though I told him it would come and go. Another doctor gave me IBS medication for it which didn't help. The only time I seemed to get some relief with this was on the mini pill, which I no longer want to take as a couple of years back I ended up bleeding 3 out of the 4 weeks in a month!

Having spent so many years on various pills, my hormones and periods are kind of messed up to the point where I can't even predict them anymore - my last one I felt hardly any pain while a couple of months ago I physically couldn't stand out of bed and nearly reached the point of ringing an ambulance from how much pain I was in...

The past couple of years now, the pain by my right hip has felt almost like a tugging, stretching sensation. It has been constant every day this week, sometimes I will stand slightly the wrong way or lean or sit the wrong way or even when I'm driving and extend my leg to the pedal I'm experiencing a jolt in this area.

At my last appointment I tried asking the doctor about links between this pain and my periods/symptoms/hormones as this only developed after taking the combined pill and the mini pill seems to offer some relief. Apparently I was talking gibberish cause he kept telling me he didn't see the connection or didn't understand what I was trying to get at. When I suggested maybe something could potentially be stuck, he said I couldn't have adhesions because I've never had surgery and I couldn't have endometriosis because I don't have "any" symptoms of endometriosis.... He suggested "stuck ligaments" for which I should "make sure to exercise" (I work on my feet 12hr shifts 4x a week) and he kept telling me as well period pain is normal and everyone experiences period pain differently etc, although he rang me after the appointment to say he had changed his mind and is referring me to gynae... I guess I just wanted to ask has anyone experienced something remotely similar to this because I feel like I'm going crazy when even the doctor is telling me he doesn't see the connection and apologies again for the super long post ā¤ļø

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Clio135 profile image
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9 Replies
Purple_Badgers profile image

Oh wow, thatā€™s an absolutely shockingly awful and ignorant response from your GP. I thought they were more educated in this day and age!!

It sounds like he has never fully listened to you and is too arrogant to consider the possibility that the patient might be right.

What Iā€™m hoping is that he mentioned all this to a better-informed colleague (maybe female, but not necessarilyā€¦) and the colleague tore him a new one and told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to educate himself quick sharp. Then he decided to do a little reading, realised how wrong he was, and referred you as he should have done.

That is my fantasy, because I truly want him to feel bad. And maybe admit that he got it wrong or maybe even apologise to you. (I know, Iā€™m dreaming!)

Put simply - itā€™s not you, itā€™s the ignorance surrounding endometriosis and unfortunately itā€™s very common. I hope your gynae appointment comes through swiftly. Keep a diary of symptoms, however weird & whatever time of your cycle, and talk it through with the gynaecologist.

In the meantime, take care of yourself, keep pushing for adequate pain relief and use this forum for real experiences, insider info and support. It really can help you keep going when youā€™re low and doubting yourself xxx

Clio135 profile image
Clio135 in reply to Purple_Badgers

Thank you for your kind words and advice and yes I agree we have much higher hopes for what went through his head than what likely happened šŸ˜… in his defence I had actually chosen that gp when I booked my appointment online as the last time I met him he said that my hormone tests came back fine and if my TV ultrasound came back fine the next step would be referall so I thought he was one of the good ones. Maybe he just likes to send mixed messages, to keep it interesting

Lily1986 profile image

Iā€™m so sorry youā€™ve had this experience. It sounds very familiar to the 15 years I was fobbed off and lied to. Only taken seriously and diagnosed with very severe Endo when I couldnā€™t conceive by which time it was too late. The disease had obliterated by insides and caused irreversible damage resulting in lifelong pain and infertility.

I hate those doctors for not listening to me or taking action sooner, my life may have turned out very differently.

To me the symptoms youā€™re getting definitely sound like thereā€™s a high chance of Endo.

You know your body better than anyone and the very least the doctor should have done is booked an MRI whilst waiting for your gynae appointment.

Itā€™s sad we have to but If you can afford Ā£200 for a private consultation with a BSGE specialist it is well worth it. It puts you straight in with an Endo specialist and you get a full hour with them to talk properly and they can do any further tests or treatments on their NHS clinic. Or you may have private healthcare insurance through work which is another route too.

Sadly many doctors still, even with a diagnosis continue to gaslight and minimise my pain and disease.

It makes me so angry that nothing has changed in all the years since I was diagnosed. The level of pain ā€™re left to suffer in is excruciating and with no one taking us seriously itā€™s inhumane.

Best wishes to you, please feel free to message me anytime. ā¤ļø

Clio135 profile image
Clio135 in reply to Lily1986

Thank you for this ā¤ļø tbh this is one of my fears too as one of my cousins has fertility issues and spent years trying for a baby. Apparently for her it's fibroids or cysts or something similar but I'm aware of a lot of conditions actually being symptoms of endo and it can run in families too, our other cousin last I heard was also waiting to see gynae so I don't feel any of us are being taken as seriously as we should... With regards to bsge, I'm in NI and we actually don't have a centrešŸ™ƒ so sadly that Ā£200 would turn into Ā£200 + flights +accommodation and so on, just another way they are forgetting about girls who are suffering lol

TallulaShark profile image

Sounds very much like the pains I get from my adhesions! No endo diagnosis here, not found on a lap but has been suggested they could potentially find endo beneath the adhesions with further surgery. No endo found on ultrasounds. One gynae said my adhesions must be caused by my c-section, another said there's no way that's possible and there may be endo beneath them, another said I must have had PID but I've never had symptoms. My adhesions are very severe, deep and wide-spread (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder, bowels, liver) and I still have no answers! šŸ™ƒ

Clio135 profile image
Clio135 in reply to TallulaShark

Sorry to hear that! I hope you get answers soon, that sounds really painfulā¤ļø I also had an ultrasound about 4 years ago and a TV ultrasound a couple of months ago and they've basically said because they can't see anything there's nothing there and it's almost like they're telling you it's in your head at that point

TallulaShark profile image
TallulaShark in reply to Clio135

Absolutely. They did warn me though that an ultrasound can only pick up moderate to severe endo, and not mild. But that mild endo has no bearing on pain. They said they've had people in with few symptoms but found severe endo, and people with bad symptoms and mild endo!

moonandstar profile image

So sorry to hear this. I also have very painful periods, uterine pain and lower back and muscle pain a week before and during the period. I also have a pain exactly as you describe, inside my right hip. I have no answers though. I am now wondering about endo, but my troubles started after I had children and I've been suffering for the last ten years. Does anyone know if it is possible to get endo starting in late 30s? (before that I was fine). I've also been diagnosed with PMDD. But for me, the low mood is triggered by the physical pain. I'm so pleased you've been referred to a gynae - I hope you get the investigations you deserve. I had to go private in the end as the NHS gyae wait is 8-12 months just to see someone. I can recommend The Newson Women's health clinic (even if you're pre-menopausal).

Clio135 profile image
Clio135 in reply to moonandstar

Sorry to hear your experiences, it's nice not to be alone at least šŸ˜… as far as I know it should be possible to develop endo at any point or it could also be possible that triggers have made it worse? One of the main things about endo is that it's different for everybody and some women may have it and not notice any symptoms for a long time and unfortunately a lack of research and training for medical staff when it comes to women's problems makes it that bit harder to find the right answers šŸ˜•Reading posts and replies in this group helps me to remember that I know my body better than anyone else so if you think your doctors haven't got it right you should definitely keep pushing for answers and help ā¤ļø

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