Hi everyone, I have cut out dairy and gluten from my diet and I feel slightly better than I do when I eat dairy and gluten but there seems to be other random things that flare me up. Like for example, if I have mcdonalds chips which dont contain dairy or gluten. Does anyone else have this? It's hard to know what I can and can't eat without flaring up and I really hate to be restricted with foods as I don't like mentioning to people that there is something wrong haha. Does anyone take any kind of supplement which allows you to eat foods that would normally flare you up? Thanks everyone ❤️
Foods: Hi everyone, I have cut out dairy... - Endometriosis UK

Most processed foods do this to me. There's a girl on instagram The endo club who trials foods to see how her endo responds and it's fascinating to see what affects different people.
Macdonalds chips will have gluten especially if they are fried in the same oil as the chicken nuggets, plus there will be gluten in the kitchen from all of the breadcakes and wraps. So cross contamination there. Also processed foods can make things worse in certain conditions too.
hey Kloe I was recommended by the Gynecologist to try the vegan diet and for me it works really well on a lot of aspects. You just need to ensure you take the right supplements. I have had a blood test recently too and it has been much better than it ever was and she suggested it’s because I am actually taking care of what I eat more than before! I still eat some fast food sometimes but not as much as before. She also mentioned it’s very personal based so it may not work for you, but the fact that it’s researched back it’s great 😊
I hope you find the right diet for you!
When eating out, you're most likely eating foods cooked in highly inflammatory oils, like vegetable oil. The A.I.P diet is great at reducing inflammation and it's an elimination and reintroduction diet. I have tried this, however I still had bloating issues, mainly because I found further gut dysbiosis, which needs more intervention.
I hope this was helpful.
As others have said, it could be the type of oil used along with any additives, flavourings or preservatives they use that can upset the gut and be inflammatory. It might be worth keeping an eye on stress levels too as that can sometimes trigger a flare-up so it's sometimes not all food related.
Thanks everyone for the support ♥️