Hi there, I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was about 16 years old so have lived with it for more than half my life already.
In 2006 I had a laparoscopy with helica and a coil was fitted. Was the worst thing ever - was in agony all the time - gp kept telling me it would settle down and could take 6 month to a year to do so. I finally went to a family planning clinic after 9 months where they had a look and said the coil was not inserted properly and literally fell out which accounted for the pain I was in. It took years to get to the point of the laparoscopy and I was just left to deal with the problems as my gp said I should have stuck with the coil. So fast forward a few years and once again I am struggling with pain and anaemia and it is a battle to get the gps to do anything apart from suggesting yet another pain killer and another type of contraception pill.
Finally in 2014 I was referred back to the hospital for thermal ablation due to the excessive bleeding and because I was at this stage demanding a hysterectomy and my gp suggested the thermal ablation as a compromise.
Well a number of years later we are now once again getting symptoms of pain and tearing stabbing pains - and bleeding has started again - so back to the gp who then tells me that she can’t find any reference to endometriosis in my records - I was shocked and let her know this. She doesn’t feel that the symptoms I am having are endometriosis related and has said I need to keep a dairy of how I am feeling. I am really fed up with the thought if having to fight for a referral again when I know where this is heading!
So can anyone recommend a good app that they have used to get as much detail as possible to have at hand for when I have my next appointment
Thanks for reading my very long post xxx