Hi! I’m 19 now but I have suffered with chronic period pain ever since I started my period when I was 12. Missed a lot of time in school, was often getting sick and blacking out because the pain was so bad. GP prescribed mefenamic acid and tranexamic acid but did nothing. I started having period like pain nearly every day of the month so went on the pill. Have been on 3 different pills since but none of them worked for me.
I eventually was referred to a gynae who sent me for an ultrasound but it came back clear. She said maybe I have mild endometriosis because nothing showed up on the scan. She prescribed decapeptyl injection which put me into a menopause like state and said there was no point in doing a laparoscopy because she would just give this as treatment after anyway if I did have endometriosis.
After this she suggested Mirena coil but said she would put it in under general anaesthetic as I am not sexually active and it would be very painful otherwise. She did a d&c and a hysteroscopy before she inserted the coil and said everything was okay. I have been in a lot of pain almost daily ever since I got the coil and have pretty much been bleeding constantly for almost a month (though very light). I am not supposed to have another appointment for another two months but now I can’t help wishing she would have done the laparoscopy so I would know for sure if I had endo or not. Should I request to have one? Any advice would be very helpful thanks!