Advice please 😭 apologies in advance for the long post but please please PLEASE read!!!
So I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2015 after emergency surgery for a cyst rupture - this was in Cyprus. She burnt away the endometriosis but told me it's likely to come back eventually.
After my lap, I fell pregnant. Within 3 months of giving birth, all the symptoms came back, but even worse. I went to the drs probably about 4 times a month before I was finally admitted once, I was admitted 4 times in 2 weeks after the initial admission and told eventually it was a cyst rupture and the pain will ease.
Instead of trying to get to the root of my issues, they just prescribed pain meds. Codeine, oramorph, mefanamic acid, zomorph.. they never agreed it was endometriosis because they had no notes or anything to prove what I'd said. The hospital in Cyprus won't give me my notes, I've tried for 3 years.
I finally saw a Dr that listened and referred me to a gynaecologist at the Liverpool women's, she agreed a diagnostic laparoscopy would be the best option. So I went this morning for the procedure, just got home and I'm gutted. My consultant was Monika oktaba if anyone has seen her? How was your experience?
I never got to see my consultant after the op. I was just told by a nurse what my notes said. Her words were ' there's a lot of writing here but it wouldn't make much sense to you so all you really need to know is that she's said there's no evidence of endometriosis and I've got gross constipation' That's literally all that was said!
I asked so many questions but couldn't be given an answer as she didn't know because she's only going off the consultants notes. I said how can I be diagnosed and then not? The pain isn't in my head. It's real and all the symptoms match. She just said no you haven't got it. We will refer you to pain management to get you off the pain killers as that's causing your constipation. And I'll see my consultant in 3 months for a follow up but she will probably discharge me as there's no gynaecology problems.
They're sending me for an MRI to check for any missed endometriosis but I thought the only way to check was for a lap? I'm not feeling very hopeful. The lady next to me has had endometriosis for years and she said the new consultant which is the lady I saw, doesn't seem too knowledgeable when it comes to endometriosis. She was told the answer to her pain is a hysterectomy to stop periods and it'll go away.
She's told me to keep fighting, don't give up but it seems pointless when I'm told there's nothing wrong but I am not imagining this pain or the symptoms!
• Extreme stomach pains
• Constant cysts
• Recurring thrush
• Painful bowel movements with pain
• Leg pain
• Constipation
• Sharp shooting pain in bum
• Pain that travels from bum to perineum
• Bloat
• Extremely heavy long irregular periods
• Unbearably painful sex
• More frequent painful bowel movements during a period
• Almost constant lower back pain
Has anyone had the same thing? What happened? Any idea if there's anywhere to go from here? Feeling like absolute rubbish 😩😭
Thanks x