Hello, this is my first time posting so please bear with me!
I have been struggling with symptoms of endometriosis since I could remember. I started my period at around 9 and I would say from 13+ my periods had been extremely painful, heavy, putting pressure on my bowels, mood swings etc (the list really does go on). GP prescribed tranexamic acid at this age.
From the age of 16 to 27 I had frequently been told by different medical staff it’s likely to be endo, IBS, PCOS etc. No official diagnosis. Was sent for multiple scans - nothing ever found. Was put on the pill, and hoped that this would improve (which it did for the first few months then all symptoms returned alongside more depressive mood swings). It was only in my early 20’s I was referred for the first time to the gyno clinic. I have been referrred around four/five times throughout my early to mid 20’s to different Gyno’s where I felt I was not really listened too, laughed at when I said I wanted children eventually so did not want to keep being on the pill, injection etc. The outcome of these appointments were medication was prescribed to help ease my periods.
Fast forward to the last year - I experienced 7 weeks of constant heavy period and passing pretty big clots, constant lower abdominal pain that penetrates through to lower back. This was really starting to affect my quality of life / little to no sex drive because of the pain, felt/feel depressed. I was finally referred back to a new Gyno who listened and immediately (after reading through my notes) made a referral for a laparoscopy to be done and the coil inserted. I think half the reason this was not done before was because of Covid.
Fast forward to yesterday my Laparoscopy was booked in yesterday at 07:30am. Got put onto a ward, waited a while and then went into theatre around 11am. When I finally came round (around half 12) I was extremely sore but happy this has been done and was keen to know what was found. However, when the surgeon came to see me afterwards he did not seem very happy - walked in and started shaking his head and stated the laparoscopy was unsuccessful (he stated this had only been the second one in 5 years that had been unsuccessful). He states that due to my stomach muscles being too tight and contracted he could not get through to where he needed to see without causing further harm or damage. He asked me how many kids I’ve had as he had seen scarring? - I made him aware I’ve had no kids…
He didn’t really explain much more other than he wants to see me in 16 weeks to re-look at my options. Has anyone else experienced something similar? I’m worried that due to this happening they will not try an laparoscopy again therefore I will not get to the bottom of what is going on to my body? I am now 31 and would like to know if it’s possible to have children (even though I have never fallen pregnant) or what can be done about this constant pain and suffering felt on a daily basis.
Right now I feel not only that my belly button is going to pop 😂 but sort of deflated and upset that I got no real definitive answers!
Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!