So after what feels like forever, after a 6 months trial on Zoladex and getting no where I am finally getting a lap on the 29th of August. Although I am slightly apprensive of the surgery I am pleased I am finally getting somewhere and hopefully this will be start of getting my life back and knowing what is wrong with me.
They still haven't officially diagnosed endometriosis but that is what they are looking for. And are also going to fit a coil whilst I'm under.
My biggest fear is they don't find anything! I'm convinced my symptoms are endo especially with my linked bowel problems too. But the bleeding is too much now, they have to find something! However after reading all the posts and stories on here I'm frightened because I'm under a general gynae, something will be missed and I'll be no further forward...
Does anyone have any advice? I have my pre op on Tuesday coming, should voice my concerns then and tell them they need to have a good look at the bowel area too?
Any replys would be greatly appreciated!
Lauren x