I've gotten fairly far thus far thanks to a fab nurse at my GP. With that being said...I'm starting to worry now, what if they don't find anything? what if they think I'm just pushing for no reason?
my 3cm cyst burst, the pain is still there but they said it's because my ovary will be repairing itself and the fluid might still be there blah blah blah
that's when the lady said 'your womb has two horns, it's bicornuate, just a variant of shape' but that's all. I did a google (shame on me) but it has similar symptoms to endo, but a lot of my pain is in my bum (like I'm sitting on something sharp) and I'm A. worried they'll just say it's my odd womb causing it all and not investigate further and B. if I push them to and they don't find anything I'll look like an idiot.
someone tell me I'm not irrational