Worrying nothing will be found...even tho... - Endometriosis UK

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Worrying nothing will be found...even though I don't want it to be found?

betty31 profile image
6 Replies

I've gotten fairly far thus far thanks to a fab nurse at my GP. With that being said...I'm starting to worry now, what if they don't find anything? what if they think I'm just pushing for no reason?

my 3cm cyst burst, the pain is still there but they said it's because my ovary will be repairing itself and the fluid might still be there blah blah blah

that's when the lady said 'your womb has two horns, it's bicornuate, just a variant of shape' but that's all. I did a google (shame on me) but it has similar symptoms to endo, but a lot of my pain is in my bum (like I'm sitting on something sharp) and I'm A. worried they'll just say it's my odd womb causing it all and not investigate further and B. if I push them to and they don't find anything I'll look like an idiot.


someone tell me I'm not irrational

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betty31 profile image
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6 Replies
EndoSuckss profile image

Hi!!!! I don't know anything about having a bicornuate uturus, so won't comment on that!

However, what I will say is please, please don't think you'll look like an idiot to anyone if nothing further is found! You absolutely will not, and nothing could be further from the truth!

Youre not irrational though! I was the same - my symptoms started after my little boy was born (although, looking back, a lot of them had been there for years, but it all got worse after the c-section!) For ages I put off going to the Dr as I thoughts they'd say it was linked to the scar/procedure etc etc - but within 6 months of seeing the gp I'd had the consultant perform a lap and confirm i had endo and an endometrioma on one ovary!

So you could have an unusual shape uterus and still have symptoms caused by another condition ❤️ It may be that it is related to your uturus shape, but you'll have peace of mind that you got it checked! Xx

Simo7 profile image

Hello, You’re not irrational, there’s nothing irrational about feeling pain and wanting it to be sorted out! I’m pretty sure that most women who have endometriosis have had exactly the same feeling regarding wanting to find the cause of the problem, but also not wanting to be diagnosed. For me that feeling of complaining for so long and not having anyone take me seriously, then expecting nothing to be found still permeates today and I’m on my 10th operation tomorrow lol! Keep a diary of when the pain is the worst and see if there’s a link to menstruating and ovulation. My bowel pain would get worse at menstruation and it felt like someone was stabbing me in the rectum, sorry for tmi. Also sitting on a hard upright chair would feel like the pain you’ve described and I have endometriosis on my bowel. Lots of people just thing it’s associated with the womb, but it spreads outside of the womb, they’re also checking me for endo’ on the diaphragm, so some nurses/Drs can be a bit blinkered when it comes to endo’.

I don’t know much about bicornuate uterus but I’d not read anything on pain in the rectum? it seems more discomfort/pain during menses in the abdomen? - I could be wrong. Also chocolate cysts’ are quite common with endometriosis - I don’t know if yours was?

All I can suggest is that you trust your instincts, Be strong and advocate for yourself. I hope it’s not endometriosis but whatever it is you need to be listened to and investigated to find out exactly what’s causing your pain.

Wish you well x

betty31 profile image
betty31 in reply to Simo7

omg yes I completely get the stabby rectum! it honestly feels like there's a screwdriver going up there! again, when I'm sat down for a while, especially if my bowel is full and when I'm on my period it catches me by surprise! or when I try and use the loo it's like a sharp pain travelling up my bum when I'm trying to push!

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to betty31

I’ve read about this, apparently all of women without endometriosis get this because of postglandins xx

betty31 profile image
betty31 in reply to Simo7

and as for the cyst we don't know. I had an ultrasound at a diagnostic place that wasn't the hospital, so when I got referred to the hospital, they didn't have a copy of my scan so I got referred to have another scan so they could see what was going on, in the mean time my nurse said they'd be able to see better if it was a chocolate cyst but it had already burst by the time I got there!

Dee_EndoUK profile image
Dee_EndoUKModeratorEndometriosis UK

Hi betty31

Just a quick message to reassure you that your worries are absolutely normal and shared by many people who push for further investigation. If you're suffering from pain, then that definitely needs to be looked into by a medical professional.

If they don't find anything, then at least you'll have the reassurance that the matter has been looked into thoroughly which, in itself, will help to ease some of the stress that I'm sure you've been feeling over the situation.

A laparoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis and can also be used to treat endometriosis. If you want to find out more about the procedure, then just follow the following link: endometriosis-uk.org/your-l...

Wishing you all the best x

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