Hi everyone, due to go for my first lap tomorrow. And also i'll be having the mirena fitted and hopefully a smear test. I really had been freaking out quite a lot as i'm a bit of a worrier! But actually i'm feeling quite excited to FINALLY (fingers crossed) be getting a diagnosis!
So just wanted to ask is there anything i should be doing before hand? I'm going to pack an overnight bad in case, have bought some painkillers although nothing really works on me so am going to ask for more when there, have bought pads, i saw someone say clean your belly button haha so i will do that! is there anything else i should do? or any tips for afterwards? as i'm not sure really what to expect after!
Especially with the mirena what should i expect after? i've heard from a couple of friends to expect around 4 days pain, and will it bleed straight away or what? and maybe for how long?
Also how many of you have had a lap but no endo found? And if so what's the next stage? The only thing i'm worried about and will be devasted is if they say they find nothing!
Thanks everyone! xx