This is a little rant / beg for help!
So I've been suffering with every endo symptom in the book for 7 years and I finally got to have a diagnostic lap under a general gynaecologist on June 30th of this year.
I was under for 2 hours and when I woke up I was told everything appeared normal but he wanted me to see an endometriosis specialist as he only checked my pelvis.
On Monday 10th July, I went back to my GP and begged for a referral to an endometriosis centre and I managed to get a referral to a BSGE approved endometriosis centre in Edinburgh.
Since my surgery, my pain has been the worst it has ever been and I'm really struggling.
I am on 40mg of slow release morphine (MST) a day to enable me to work and live some sort of normal life.
Today, I was back at my GP as I need something for more immediate relief and I was prescribed fast release morphine (MST) in 10mg tablets to take as and when needed.
I also have 500mg naproxen to take when needed.
These fast relief morphine are STILL not helping.
I am really struggling.
I am meant to be back at work on Monday so I need something that is going to help and actually make a difference.
Is oramorph helpful? Does it work quicker than tablets?
I feel like my GP just does not understand how much pain I'm in and I am starting to feel like he thinks I'm just a druggy but I am at the end of my tether like this is exhausting.
I just need some help trying to control this pain until I see a specialist!!
Please help!!