Here goes my life story...
On the 10th of February I had a laparoscopy surgery to investigate pelvic pain and an ovarian cyst. I was discharged on the same day only being told I had endometriosis and it was severe. I left not knowing much about the disease at all.
Fast forward 4 weeks (and a lot of research later) I’ve just been back to see him. From the start to finish today I was told a lot of misinformation, for example; irregular periods are not caused by endo and I would need to seek medical advice else where AND the only cure is a hysterectomy... (I’m 27) both of these I know are not true. Clearly he doesn’t know much about endometriosis as a condition (he is general gynaecologist not a specialist).
The ONLY treatment option I was offered is a gnrh for temporary menopause. I have declined this for now as from my understanding it’s unlikely to do anything other than help with my pain (which luckily for me is moderate and can be managed with pain relief) should I be seeking a second opinion/see a specialist?
Any advice/experiences with treatments would be massively appreciated!
Thank you x