All gone downhill post-op!! Please help - Endometriosis UK

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All gone downhill post-op!! Please help

staceymacg profile image
13 Replies

This is a little rant / beg for help!

So I've been suffering with every endo symptom in the book for 7 years and I finally got to have a diagnostic lap under a general gynaecologist on June 30th of this year.

I was under for 2 hours and when I woke up I was told everything appeared normal but he wanted me to see an endometriosis specialist as he only checked my pelvis.

On Monday 10th July, I went back to my GP and begged for a referral to an endometriosis centre and I managed to get a referral to a BSGE approved endometriosis centre in Edinburgh.

Since my surgery, my pain has been the worst it has ever been and I'm really struggling.

I am on 40mg of slow release morphine (MST) a day to enable me to work and live some sort of normal life.

Today, I was back at my GP as I need something for more immediate relief and I was prescribed fast release morphine (MST) in 10mg tablets to take as and when needed.

I also have 500mg naproxen to take when needed.

These fast relief morphine are STILL not helping.

I am really struggling.

I am meant to be back at work on Monday so I need something that is going to help and actually make a difference.

Is oramorph helpful? Does it work quicker than tablets?

I feel like my GP just does not understand how much pain I'm in and I am starting to feel like he thinks I'm just a druggy but I am at the end of my tether like this is exhausting.

I just need some help trying to control this pain until I see a specialist!!

Please help!!

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staceymacg profile image
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13 Replies
Jenny8 profile image

Are there several gps in your practice? If so, speak to the receptionist and ask if there is a gp who specialises in gynae. They may not have a huge amount of endo knowledge, but they may be more sympathetic. Xxx

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Jenny8

No there's not, I've tried speaking to all the GP's in my practice!

stephkp profile image

Hi. Honestly I would stop taking the morphine and find a different drug to help with the pain. Morphine can have a side effect in some people that makes the pain worse rather than better, so the more you take the worse it gets, and you are at risk of some very serious side effects if you continue to take it at very high amounts. If you are taking slow release and quick release morphine with no improvement in your pain, I wouldn't be inclined to persist with it. Ask to be referred to a pain management clinic in the meantime to see if they have alternatives for you to try. I would also see if there is a different gp you can chat to. x

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to stephkp

I've tried every painkiller and that's why it's been upped to morphine because nothing else even touches the pain! Xx

stephkp profile image
stephkp in reply to staceymacg

Hopefully if your gp will give the amytriptyline a go it will help. It's original use is an anti depressant but quite a lot of them help with chronic pain x

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to stephkp

I'll suggest it tomorrow! X

amy-28 profile image

Hi sorry your having such a rough time with it, however good news that you finally have the bsge refferal. Have you tried amitriptyline nothing was working for me not even morphine and my endo specialist put me in this it helps shut down the nerves around the whole pelvis/women's area! Maybe ask about this xxx

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to amy-28

No I've never heard of that! I'll suggest that! Thankyou so much xxx

laurenmc-1993 profile image

hi ive took oramorph for the pain before and yes it helped me but only for an hour or so , with oramorph tho you can take it more frequently. I didn't know there were centres for endo now that I've seen your post I'm defo gonna look to see if there's one near me as I can feel the pain coming back its worse each day , I'm supposed to be going back to uni in Sept after I deferred a year and I do not want the endo to effect my degree again. I hope the doctors sort you out with better medication xx

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to laurenmc-1993

I think I need that as it will act much quicker! I just need something to help when I get breakthrough pain. Yes there is!! If you google BSGE and click on endometriosis centres you can find one! My GP had no idea so I had to show him! Xx

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to laurenmc-1993

I left halfway through my degree due to pain so I know how you feel! Xxx

Nikki84 profile image


Have you tried taking paracetamol with the morphine, paracetamol really helps to boost the strength of the morphine, you should keep the both of them in your system regularly

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Nikki84

Yep, tried all that and still doesn't work! X

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