I'm having a really bad endo flare up and have been in bed for the past week.
I was taking tramadol but it was making no difference whatsoever so I went to my GP and they've put me on zomorph - a slow release tablet form of morphine - and oramorph (liquid morphine) to take when there's breakthrough pain.
I'm taking both and they are making me feel horrific and just masking the pain. I spoke to the hospital today and I have managed to get an appt with my consultant in 2 weeks times. They said if I want to be seen sooner than get my GP to refer me as an emergency.
Rang my GP and she said to just up my dose because by the time the referral was sorted it would be the appt I've got. I asked about referring as an emergency and she said that's only if I was to be admitted or surgery or if I was in A&E and pain isn't an emergency
I don't what to do. I'm in pain, haven't slept properly for over a week, meds making me feel terrible. I don't think I can carry on like this much longer.
Should I go to walk in centre? See doctor tomorrow and tell her I can take anymore? Ring 111 and see what they think? Go to a&e
I need help and no one is helping me