Just wanted to share some positive news with you all.
I have been so poorly for the last 2 years. Unable to do much apart from work part time. I was in constant pain. I've been so bad that I have not been on holiday for over 2 years, usually we have about 3.
I had widespread Endo removed in March 2015 which was on my bowel and bladder also. I felt no benefit for the excision surgery and my gynae consultant found I had interstitial cystitis a bladder condition. As I was feeling no better I had a mri which showed I had adenomyosis in both sides of my uterus. I had surgery just over 2 months ago and my gynae consultant did a presacral neurectomy, which is cutting of the nerves to the uterus. No Endo had grown back but he could see where it had been removed the year before.
I think the only next step is hysterectomy if this surgery wasn't a success. 3 weeks ago I was feeling no better at all. My stomach pains were awful and my back constantly hurt. I have asked for physio lots of times to my gp but he said as lower backache is probably due to Endo, IC and adenomyosis that physio wouldn't help.
I have no children and I don't want a hysterectomy as 32 and no children. I may not be able to have children but I would like the option to try.
I have tried acupuncture before a couple years ago and I found it pointless. It didn't help my pain and I was left with needles in me in a cold room for ages so I never bothered to go back.
I have been taking 8 cocodamol and 8 tramadol every day for the last couple of years, including Diclofenac and morphine when the codeine and tramadol dont work. I also have amitriptyline and lots of other meds.
I was fed up 3 weeks ago as had so much surgery and never feel any better.
I was looking to pay private for a physio who was trained in gynaecology and bladder but I couldn't find much where I live but I did find a British man who is trained as a Chinese physical therapist and has studied women health including gynae and ivf so I spoke to him on the phone, almost interviewing him to make sure he did know what all my conditions are.
I had my first appointment just over 3 weeks ago and I'm amazed at how much better I am feeling.
On my first visit he asked lots of questions and when I lied on the bed he said my pelvis was lower on one side. He said it can take many sessions to get the pelvis straight again. He did lots of pulling and tugging and he did acupuncture, massage, tens machine, magnetic treatment, cupping. He is so good and the price is great it is £40 a session no matter how long the session lasts. My first 2 visits were over 2 hours and my session yesterday was an hour and a half. I feel like I've had a massive workout the day of the treatment and the day after but it's so good afterwards I feel brand new.
I don't feel half as bad as I have for the last few years. My pelvis is now straight after 3 sessions which he said is really good as it some times takes many more sessions. He said the pelvis not being level will put lots of pressure on my back and gynae area.
I just wanted to share some positive news for a change and anyone who is struggling so much every day despite the surgery should try Chinese physical therapy but make sure they are gynae trained.
I'm now down to 4-6 codeine a day 1-2 tramadol a day and 1ibrouphen. I've cut down so much in the last couple of weeks.
I am not fully better and still have pain but it's not constant as it was before.