Hi, I’m new here but it’s been really interesting to read everyone’s posts and know I’m not going through it alone.
I had a laparoscopy last June where they excised endometriosis from my pouch of Douglas. I was in agony before, so much so I had to take weeks off work (I’m a primary school teacher). Before my surgery they had me on Naproxen and Codeine which seemed to be working alongside heat, a mirena and my tens machine. However two months after my surgery the pain came back even worse. They tried me on tramadol and it did nothing. They asked me to continue with ibuprofen, Anadin Extra and cocodamol when I really needed it. This all did nothing. Finally last week I was prescribed Naproxen again and Codeine Phosphate (15mg) I took 2 codeine and a Naproxen, along with an omeprazole, and it did nothing. I couldn’t sleep I was in so much pain. I applied heat and my tens but nothing helped. I’ve been forcing myself into work in agony; bless my class, they’re only eight but they can recognise when I’m in pain and have begun to offer to heat my wheat pack and get a teacher to get my tablets and tens for me.
Has anyone had this problem and found something that does work? I can’t keep struggling through the day and taking medication that’s doing nothing for me.
I have another appointment with the gynae on the 21st of Feb as I had no follow up after my surgery so my GP has pushed for me to be seen quickly but any advice before that will be greatly appreciated!