Hi . I am having worse pain after lap than I ever had. I'm 3 months post lap.
I'm 42 and had the lap due to infertility, endometrioma and was told I had hydro salpinx. . Also I was starting to miss period cycles. I had various pains for years. Some severe. Mostly bowel related and more recently ovulation pain. All my pain was manageable. I was having surgery for infertility not pain. I was only just diagnosed age42.
During the lap. They found kissing ovaries. Cysts on both ovaries. Lots of endo and severe rectal vaginal endo. Lots of adhesions and a hood of adhesions over whole pelvis. In summary deep and severe endometriosis.
He fixed what he could, but left the rectal vaginal endo as too risky to address.
Post lap, I had a drain site hernia that needed repair.
Since surgery, my bowels working better than ever and periods are regular.
However, I have huge problem with new pain. I have constant pain and burning over bladder area. I have severe rectal and back pain. My tummy feels full and heavy. .the last period , 3rd since surgery was very painful.
I've seen the doc, ultra sound normal. Next review in 1 year.
Has lap triggered worsening endometriosis for anyone? ?
I wish never had the lap. I'm off work. Not able to exercise with comfort and obviously still not pregnant.
So now I'm childless and in poor health.
Might I still recover?