I began my periods when I was 11 and they were horrific to say the least. I’ve always suffered with heavy flows, blood clots,periods lasting over a week because I had this black like tar when the actual blood had stopped, pain during and after sex, bad back and tummy ache, crazy hormones, IBS, the list is endless.
At this time I was also suffering with lots of water infections. My GP referred me to gynae when I was 15 as they suspected I had endo. I had the keyhole surgery and no endo was found. I then went to see a urologist and found that I suffer from a condition called Trigonitis (inflammation of the trigone in the bladder). To keep this under control I would have the inflammation lasered out every 2 years. As I was diagnosed with this bladder condition and no endo had been found I accepted that my periods were normal and just got on with it.
I had my latest bout of surgery for my bladder condition in November 2018 and my urologist said that this was the worse case he’d seen of this condition for me so far (this was the 3rd time I’d had the surgery done). Ever since then things haven’t been right. I’ve suffered from urinary retention, excruciating pain passing urine, blood in urine, pain in kidneys, abdomen pain, pain in pelvis almost like a pressure building, pain in hips, severe bloating as if I’m pregnant,and pain in my bum to the point I struggle to walk for long, irregular periods, I’ve been into hospital multiple times and still had no answers.
I’ve had CT scans, blood tests, STI checks, ultrasounds. Everything came back clear apart from a cyst that was found on my ovary and a small amount of liquid on my pelvis. My urologist was adamant this wasn’t an issue and has shrugged it off.
I recently went to my GP in agony begging for pain relief as I was so tired from the pain. She asked me for my symptoms, did a pelvic exam and suggested that perhaps, as well as my bladder condition, I also have endometriosis.
I had another meeting with my urologist and discussed what my GP had suggested and he laughed me out of the office saying if I had endo he would had seen it when he was doing my cystoscopy in November.
When I was first checked for endo I was just 15 years old, I’m now 23 and the symptoms I’m suffering from seem to add up with everything I’ve read about this condition. Is my urologist right? If I had endo would he have seen it from all the tests I’ve had done or is the keyhole surgery the only way to be certain?
It also seem strange that my symptoms of endo have flared up since my latest bladder surgery, is that possible?
I apologise for the long post and I hope it makes sense. It’s been a long and frustrating 3 months with no answers and to top it off I’m on the verge of losing my job because of it. Any advice or opinions on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you! Xxx