Hi everyone,
I'm new to this and was just wondering if anyone could please offer some help/advice.
I'm 19 now but ever since my first period (when I was 11) I've suffered from daily pain, especially from around 13 to 18 (it was so bad that there were days I couldn't even get out of my bed). My periods have always been extremely heavy (sorry TMI) and during my time of the month I'm usually so sore that I can't even use a tampon and still manage to soak through a night time pad...
I don't even know how many times I've been to my gp regarding this matter and I've had countless scans, but the pain was always put down to IBS (which I believe I also have as my family has history of stomach problems). When I was 13 I was put on the pill, though I've been on about 8 different ones but the only one that's actually helped my periods was dianette (also basically got rid of my acne!)
I have constant pain in my lower abdomen/ back, and it almost feels as though my ovaries are being ripped out from the front sometimes? I also (sorry again TMI) feel as though a dagger is coming at me from down there between my legs. I used to always get UTI's and had to go to a&e when I was 15 as I hadn't been able to pee in more than 12 hours and my tummy had swollen (not sure if this is related/ if anyone else has had bladder problems?) I'm constantly bloated from just beneath the bra, it doesn't even matter if I've even ate or not yet as I just wake up from it, some days worse than others.
It was only last year that my specialist (for my migraines) mentioned that she believes I have endometriosis due to my symptoms.. I was referred to a gynae who I mentioned about a laparoscopy to and was told that 'that would be the last option' due to the cost of it?! I was offered the mirena coil instead as it would 'help to ease the pain if it was endo' yet I'm still suffering from pain, it's not as bad but it's still there.. I'm bleeding near enough on a daily basis, I've gained a stone since December, suffer really bad mood swings and my acne is awful, my skins constantly oily and so painful it's literally been the worst decision of my life as its brought alongside it so many other symptoms! Has anyone else experienced this?
I don't know if this is relevant but I was born with a womb that tilts back towards my spine? When I got the mirena coil fitted (under anaesthetic due to not yet having children) the pain was so excruciating I just wanted to die which sounds awful.. No pain medication was even cutting it and I soaked through an entire hospital gown with blood and was kept in 6 hours longer than expected. I regretted my decision to get the coil in almost immediately.
I've been back and forth to my gp asking to get it removed but was told to give it 6 months and then I went back regarding my skin and was put on another pill (similar to dianette apparently) which did absolutely nothing but was meant to stop me from bleeding and help my skin. I then went back again and was told that I had to give it longer (again!) and finally had enough in May and was adamant that I wanted it out but because I suffered from such bad pain getting it fitted, there's no way I could even contemplate having it removed in the doctors surgery.. I'd need to be put to sleep again! I now have to wait until October to even be seen..
I just feel like I'm constantly being messed about, I still haven't even been properly diagnosed with endo as was told you need to have a lap done to do so? Yet every time I mention a lap it's dismissed? I'm also feeling really down about myself as weight is a really touchy subject for me and I don't even fit into any of my clothes (gone from an 8 to a 10 in 6 months). It's not even comfort eating as my diets the healthiest it's ever been and I've been exercising. I just feel like I've been blown up! But because I have to wait until October to have it removed (making me feel even worse) I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to loose the weight (I'm guessing its water weight?) if they've suffered from the same thing?
Also, any tips on how to go about getting a laparoscopy? I keep hearing about getting a specialist but how do I do that?
Any help would be really appreciated as I've been suffering for nearly 7 years now and I'm just so fed up of it all and want to feel myself again!
Thank-you xx