Hi everyone,
I asked a question a week ago as I started having PMS symptoms and then started bleeding, even though I still had three contraceptive pills to take. I convinced myself that it was just a period, and continued to take my another pack of pills as soon as finishing the last pack (as advised by the Gyne, as he wants me to try and put off my periods until after I've had my Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and cauterise some possible cervical erosion) but now I'm getting a bit concerned. I'm sorry if this is pretty detailed and disgusting, but I can't get to see my GP (as always) and I'm starting to worry myself.
My periods are usually regular (I only have irregular bleeding occasionally after sex), every month I take my last pill, 5 days later I'll come on, then 5 days later I'll stop bleeding. Yet, I've been bleeding for around 8/9 days now.
The blood started as a brownish colour (similar to what I get after having a smear test), then became really dark, and sometimes had bright red bits as well. I also noticed that it was pretty thick, with clots and almost mucusy looking blood. It was like this for about 4/5 days, and was really heavy, then it became really light and normal coloured, so I thought it was coming to the end. However, today I've started bleeding really heavily again, and it's gone back to the brown colour. I also found that for the first 4/5 days it was hurting to wear tampons, even the smallest/lightest ones.
I have no idea what this means and I'm frustrated that I can't get to see a doctor. I'm currently taking Paracetamol (500mg) daily (between 2-6 a day) and Tramadol (but only when the pain gets too bad). I also take my contraceptive pill, but I've never had problems with this. I wouldn't say I'm extremely stressed. I don't drink or smoke heavily (maybe 4/5 cans of beer a week and 3/4 cigarettes a day). I'm also not having sex and I haven't had a smear/speculum inserted since June, so I haven't done anything that could have caused the bleeding.
Once again, I'm sorry if this was too much info, I just need some advice xx