Good morning/evening/night everyone. Sorry for the delay in posting this posting today, but this was the only time I was able to post it. For those who are new, this is the weekly update dealing with how my CGM works each week— and how the sensors can do after they are changed once a week.
I had changed my sensor from last week this morning instead of waiting for the afternoon because the numbers kept‘jumping’ around and I didn’t like them not being close to the numbers I was getting on my testing monitor for the last few days. Each time my numbers were going straight down or angeling down, the numbers would disappear for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time before bedtime. This was not good and I didn’t feel comfortable going to bed without any readings being shown at the time. This is because of one night a few weeks ago, one sensor failed and I was woken up by a failed sensor alarm going off really early in the morning ( before 2 am). Lucky me, that hadn’t happened for this old sensor.😀👍
Since I had inserted the new sensor in the morning, I had done the calibrations at my job around 10:30 am. So far, so good!😀👍