Sorry this is a little late, but I had been busier than normal this week.
This week was a little interesting related to the sensor. Here and there, the sensor would stop working and then have no arrows going any direction. This happened once before going to bed one night. Another few times while at work, the sensor would stop working and then come back, but with really odd results for the numbers. At one point, I had thought I would have to call to get a new, free sensor sent out. So far, so good nothing really bad has happened to the new sensor I'm using right now. The only weird thing was during the warm up period and the pie chart to say how much time remained went away and the hour glass showed up in its place. This got me extremely mad since it was already acting odd and I hadn't even done the calibrations at the time. Today, the sensor seems to be doing okay, but I'm not holding my breath.