So, I just inserted my new sensor this morning. I'm hoping this one will work better than the last few had done recently.
Yesterday afternoon, I had gotten a message from DEXCOM's Support Training Services and talked to a Rep.. It was very helpful because I was told that I was doing everything right. Just make sure not to calibrate the machine too much. Other than that, I basically have gotten myself 100% as a score as to knowing what to do and not if this had been a test!
During the night recently, my parents thought that an alarm had gone off, but it hadn't. If an alarm had gone off during the night, I would've been the first one to know about it since the DEXCOM is in my bed room all night while I sleep. I chalk it up to possible static from another monitor that isn't related to the DEXCOM system.
I've changed my breakfast just slightly. I don't drink milk with my breakfast bars because I learned that if you eat a bar at breakfast and then have milk with it, the blood sugars go up into the 300 range. I'm trying to keep this from happening as much as possible.
For bed time snacks, I have another bar and milk depending on the blood sugar. If the numbers are under 200 and below, I have a glass of milk. If the numbers are 200 and above, no milk, but just a bar. Mind you, the bar at bed and breakfast have 30 grams of protein, so they can hold a person either before lunch or through out the night. I get these bars at Sam's Club once or twice a month, so I don't run out. You should buy four boxes if you plan to eat two bars each day with 30 grams of protein. I'll give you the name of the bars in my next posting.
Well, this is all for right now. More news on the DEXCOM and eating habits later! Enjoy your weekend!