Hi everyone. This is the update for how things went with the sensor and the DEXCOM, in general.
To start with, Thursday morning, I was woken up by the alarm saying I was under 80 mg/dl. This was very accurate and I had a snack at 5:10 am before going back to sleep for a while longer before getting back up at 6:30 am that day. At the time I got up the first time, my number was 92 mg/dl when it was 78-> on the DEXCOM.
The sensor itself was not bad. The system itself was having an outage from last Friday through Monday on and off. I had to call Tech Support to make sure it wasn’t on my end! This being said, there are still a few issues with the system, but not on my side/sensor!😀👍 Here’s an interesting example of what is going on: If you aren’t logged out, then you still have to log back in and hope it doesn’t say everything you do is wrong! This happened repeatedly. Still does sometimes, but not as much.
The new sensor has been really good so far today. I hope this one is another good one!😀👍