I know this is earlier than usual for my updates on how it is going with using the DEXCOM, but since I'm going to be busy as a bee this weekend, I know there wouldn't be any time to type this out for you all. So, here is my update! I hope this helps.
Last night around 7 pm, my numbers started to drop below 80 mg/dl. There wasn't any good reason for this to be happening because I accidentally ate more carbs. at dinner than I thought I had done and took 17 units to cover the food from my dinner out. I had waldorf salad with potato salad, a steak and some spaghetti squash. All of these foods were very carby, but by the time I got home, my numbers were either 75 and under. The DEXCOM went RED until I ate 2 and a 1/2 bottles of cranberry juice with a meal bar by Power Bar brand and my usual 9:30 bed time snack (another bar from another brand). The odd thing is, my DEXCOM NEVER made music after showing that I was 80. Not sure why this happened, but when I have more time, I will look into this matter and see what I can do so you all will know the answer, as well. Worst part is, I never felt low. I just knew I needed to eat and drink something. By the time it was bed time for me, I wasn't hungry for anything else. Lucky me, I didn't need more food at 10 pm or we would have been in trouble because there wouldn't have been any room left to put anything.
Today, my numbers stayed in the 200's so far. No lows to speak of, yet, but I'm going to keep an eye open just in case since I plan to do some knitting after I post this posting for you. My knitting is at 2 pm. If the numbers seem to be dropping on the DEXCOM, I'm going to have a small snack.
More later!