HI Mr. George,
Greetings. I have read your article, blog on long wheat mash regime and was lot relieved to see that diabetics can be cured.
Appreciate your efforts to share this knowledge with everyone and your intention to help others to get rid of diabetics.
Recently on 02nd October 2013, I was diagnosed as a diabetic. On that day, My FBS was 137, HBA1c was 7.6 & average blood glucose was 171. I was advised by the doctor to change my life style to check, if my sugar levels can be brought under control.
For the next 15 days, I went on a diet without rice. I had Millets (any of these - finger millets, pearl millets, Little millets, Kodo millets & horse grams) for break fast and had Chappathi for lunch with vegetables and again chappathi's for dinner. I went for brisk walking for 45 mins every day.
On 18th October 2013, I went for my scheduled next checkup. My FBS was 112, PPBS was 155.
Now I'm planning to have Long wheat porridge for break fast for next 1 -2 months, just to make sure, I get used to long wheat. Starting Jan 2014 onwards, I'm planning to adhere to strict Long wheat mash regiment.
My next check up is scheduled for Dec 18th 2013.
Could you pls clarify following questions
1) Have attached picture of Long wheat, I procured from one of the stores in Bangalore.Could you pls confirm, I got the right one ?
2) Is it OK to have millets for lunch along with Long wheat, as I developed a liking for them in the last fifteen days ?