Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for March 2014

will STOP or SLOW parkinson's

Parkinson's Disease news breaks that a drug that could stop or slow Parkinson’s ...
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Lack of saliva

I am taking Amitriptyline and Zapain for pain not related to my Parkinsons. Sin...
Court profile image

Focused ULTRASOUND scalpel free surgery for the treatment of persons with Parkinson’s

Focused ULTRASOUND scalpel free surgery for the treatment of persons with Parkin...
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Does anyone have severe pain in their arm? I mention this to my movement disorder doctor and she did not seem to think much of it.

My husband seems to think it is arthritis, but I disagree. Sometimes the pain r...
Eileen9 profile image

has any one tried primidone

cardsmart profile image

I'm having MAJOR sleep issues. I'm currently taking 75 mg of Amitriptyline and 75 mg of Neurotin.

My neuro doesn't want to up my Amitrityline...has anyone used meds that work for...
Writer profile image

Does anyone feel guilty for just having a normal day,when a family member is so ill.??

My Brother who is married is a Paraplegic with Dementia.i took care of my mum fo...
laddy3 profile image

Any advice for someone buying a mobility chair/ scooter?

ivyanne profile image


I saw a post some time ago about using a mouthguard for this problem. Any ideas ...

Israel Study on Parkinson's & Marijuana, very interesting. Does anyone know how I can get more in depth information on this study?
tlongmire profile image


I'm wondering if anybody has tried Neurofeedback for motor symptoms of Parkinson...
nina1234 profile image

Are there any VEGANS out there who have Pd?

In a previous post I asked about vegetarians, but did not know the difference be...
JohnPepper profile image


am scheduled for DBS surgery on Tuesday. have to be 24 hours off my meds all d...
Hidden profile image

Do you use medical Marijuana?

Hi, I am interested in communicating with PWP who use medical Marijuana as an ad...
scottyt profile image

48 hours without Coconut Oil

I had an interesting experience going without CO when I travelled recently. Afte...
Joanne_Joyce profile image

Does anyone with PD have skin problems,my husbands head and face are red and mottled,very dry scalp.

Crosshalls profile image

Has anyone been able to retire on PD disability although you are not quite disabled yet?

I really don't want to wait until I am disabled before I can retire. I'm 55 and...
DeanGreen profile image

Do you have problems getting up out of a chair?

Many people I know, some with Pd and others not, have terrible problems getting ...
JohnPepper profile image

Was diagnosed Jan 6 put on pramipexole. Don't really think it's doing anything.Thinking about getting off it and take nothing. Any thoughts?

Casper3564 profile image

Back pain relief.

From my own experience, I have seen that regular exercise and having garlic pill...
SGHALDIA profile image

I always have a painful headache at d back of my head& i always have to crack my neck which will immediately cause relief. Wat is d cause

Deade profile image

How many subsribers to this website have Parkinson's Disease and are Vegetarians?

It has just occurred to me that DIET might have something to do with the cause o...
JohnPepper profile image

Desperate to get a decent nights sleep

Waking up many times during night unable to turn is terrifying as you all must k...
Sunnysky profile image

Comtan / entacapone cost

Comtan (generic:entacapone) really works for me in extending my on-times for car...
MichaelOM profile image

What happened to a recent post on Comtan, it appears to have been deleted?

Sedona profile image

Arthritis in hand and wrist.

Why is it that doctors completely ignore arthritic pain in my hand and wrist. It...
Hidden profile image

What is so important about "POSTURE?"

I suffered for 29 years with various symptoms of Pd, before it was eventually di...
JohnPepper profile image

Can anyone please recommend a place or a brand to get a chair that will take me upstairs? I am looking for a small seated one .

koko69 profile image

my parkinsons was diagnosed in 2008 . and i have been on carbodopa-levodopa since . i did start out with another medication, it was bad.

i kept falling or passing out and nausea with it. so the neurologist sent me fo...
judam12 profile image


has anyone took or taking orphenadrine for the pd tremor and did they find it ef...
alanrob profile image