has any one tried primidone: - Cure Parkinson's
has any one tried primidone

I have been on Primidone (Mysoline) since 2000 for essential tremor. Had it under control, for the most part, until rotator cuff surgery in 2007. Am currently taking 250 mg daily, split into 2 doses.
I was on it--my doc increased it to 100mg 3 xday which I was on for over a year. It had minimal effect on my tremors, but made me weak, ruined my appetite (lost 42 lbs), made it extremely hard to write, was severely depressed, and caused me to start falling down flat. I would feel so bad in the mornings that I seriously felt like I was going to die. I finally decided to hell with this--I'd rather shake. So I started weaning myself off it. My appetite is back, my writing is much, much, better, and I no longer have weakness or falling or depression. I am now on mirtazipine 15mg at bedtime which has calmed my tremors to a reasonable level. The mirtazipine was recommended by a movement disorder specialist I went to after getting off the primidone. He also said primidone can cause depression, which my regular neuro doc disputes. I think it's a horrible drug. When I read posts written by people on this med who describe the progression of their 'disease', I wonder if it's really the disease progressing, or the effect of the drug.