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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for January 2013

new young onset support group in Glasgow

Hi i am looking to start a young persons with pd support group in Glasgow, i wou...
robbo44 profile image

how do you coop with not being able to have a bowel movement and having vivid dream

i have just been diagnosed i having parkinsons disease.just about 5 months ago.b...
dal57 profile image

The side effects of Sinemet have me pretty frightened.

The side effects of Sinemet have me pretty frightened. I'm hoping to stay on Pra...
pomo profile image
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T shirt slogans for PWPD

In the interest of being "out there" and also maintaining a sense of humor, I'm ...
maybeme profile image


i have just reduced requip and increased modopar to deal with OCD behaviour. Ive...
charlton profile image

ON THE MOVE Issue 3 is FREE!

Issue 3 of Parkinson’s Movement’s magazine/newsletter is available FREE to downl...
JonStamford profile image

I am 63 PD diag 2 yrs ago, Now I struggle with uncontrolled clinching of left foot, curling of left toes when stressed like when driving.

Try to force myself to relax but in seconds, I am clinching again. Now, my left ...
finlander profile image

increase your gait

i have a german shepherd puppy ,as it grows it gets stronger and walks faster. I...
testmate profile image

Qigong for PD!!!

This is a flyer I received by Email. I have followed his protocol for about 3-4 ...
DeParkiePoet profile image

I am curious as to what kind of problems any one has had taking Sinemet?

I started taking it in August and am now having a few issues. I also taking. Req...
Hidden profile image

Anyone have experience with SUPER BETAPROSTATE?

I'm up 3-6 times a night and seem to be worsening despite drinking nothing for 3...
etterus profile image

What should I expect from lsvt

cant access my replies to my question?

alanrob profile image

Bill Geist of CBS News has the Beast !

Check out this video on YouTube:
Hidden profile image

News from The Scripps Research Institute .

Scripps Florida Scientists Uncover Potential Drug Target to Block Cell Death in ...
Hidden profile image

"Delete" instead of "Report"

Why on every question I ask, comment I post, or blog I post does "delete" appear...
JennyR profile image

Pot for Parkinsons

Hi,I live in New Jersey,I have had PD for 11 years now.I tried submitting a appl...
caseyjones profile image

Nausea ugh!

I felt like I had an invisible buzz saw going on inside of me, so I broke down a...
Bitbit profile image

Zip problems.

What do people do to help with fastening zips? Those small metal tabs can be tri...
soup profile image

Smoking and tremors

Does anyone know if smoking makes tremors worse?
themom profile image

Alternative therapies for PD - has anyone tried any ? Thinking about acupuncture or Bowen technique but don't know which to try ?

Helshubby profile image

has anyone one found a good way of improving posture?i get a lot of back pain because of my poor posture caused by PD.

alanrob profile image

Original symptoms, 2 years ago, slight right hand trembling, odd feeling in my head with stirring or washing hair motion, slumped shoudlers

when walking. I was put on 2 25/100 Carb/Levo a day. Thot I might have some im...
parkinsons1 profile image

To the person who wrote about Mirapexin/Dementia,What info do they have that it leads into DEMENTIA. I take Mirapexin and now concerned

GailBailey profile image

Can someone explain the Bowman Technique.

I have this never forgiving nerve thing going from my lower back down the back o...
Pelley profile image

Does anyone still laugh like they used to?

I think I still have my sense of humour, but I don't laugh out loud like I did y...
olpilot profile image

Laughter therapy with no effort

Google this clip and I think the results will cheer you up and get those face mu...
soup profile image


A Company in Italy have a new product exclusively for PD.It is a mechanical feet...
fitzy777 profile image


shasha profile image

Trouble with keeping shoe laces tied and tight?

I found using a pair of hemostats to pull the shoe lace tighter works well. My S...
eh110575 profile image