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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for January 2013

anyone have experience with the spinal cord stimulator(Medtronic) for back and leg pain, having the week's trial now, with PD, hard to tell

Pops profile image

Exercise,problems and also type 1 diabetes and PD

firstly i notice that when I do fast aerobic exercise i get light headed and whe...
Lestur profile image

What is Clear Point Surgery?

llwwd profile image
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Hi to you all and a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Relations of my wife in Italy sent me a newspaper article on a device for the fe...
fitzy777 profile image

Top 10 list--what to do

I just joined this blog and in a short time of perusing it, I learned a lot. So ...
maybeme profile image

Speech therapy

Speech therapy

help with tremor

has anyone had success dealing with tremor, or at least a drug that reduced it, ...
Hamish profile image

Zoloft or Azilect?

I started going through menopause and began all the crazy symptoms that go along...
4809cats profile image


Kind of new at doing this but think if I don't do something I'llmake myself craz...
hunnypot profile image

Follow-up to "Breakthrough"

The principal authors of the "brain cells from skin cells" study were Xiang Dong...
ronn profile image

My Pd meds sent me to HELL for 6 years, I believe drug companies know about this, I took part in tests during and after and again this year!

Parkinson's Impulse Disorders May Be Drug-Related 12 Jan 2013 A new study...
Danny2401 profile image

Do Pd drug companies know about the problems their drugs, are causing?

Parkinson's Impulse Disorders May Be Drug-Related 12 Jan 2013 A new study...
Danny2401 profile image

What do you think about Azilect. Is it beneficial ?

Drevy profile image

New breakthrough, skin cells to brain cells, with implications for PD

A research team at UC-San Diego anounced yesterday that they have invented a sho...
ronn profile image

Heat or cold... which is harder to deal with?

It is now 30 degrees at 5000 ft in the desert and is expected to drop in to the ...
etterus profile image


When I close my eyes all I see are blank pages. Bright, White...
jupiterjane profile image


What other on this site do ,when OFF and if like me can't get comfy .my mood ta...
export profile image

Psychogenic movement disorder . Have you heard of this?

What is Psychogenic Movement? Psychogenic movement is an unwanted muscle mo...
Hidden profile image

Planning to remember

I value my brain 1000's more than my body, and for me its always been an easy se...
Hidden profile image

Have your sweet cravings gone through the roof like mine?

I've read on a few sites that people with Parkinson's have HUGE sweet cravings. ...
4809cats profile image

Hi Everybody

Hi everybody :-) sorry Ive not blogged for a while, been busy working and enjo...
AndyC profile image

what hospitals do the Clear Point Surgery?

wynn7 profile image

Has anyone found a Smartphone that works best for us folks with PD?

I'm talking here about the types of smartphones themselves, not the service or c...
Hidden profile image

Has anybody else found that their tremors are almost entirely gone from one part of your body to another?

I was DX over 12 years ago and for a number of years my tremors were in my right...
larry33b profile image

Lift chair recommendations?

Hi everyone. My mom and I both have PD. She is almost 80 and she is very shakey ...
Bitbit profile image

mpore new s on my "other health problem MORE news on my "other health problem"

hhi i saw the oncologist on FRIDAY LAST and altbough the cancer bas gone i am t...
jillannf6 profile image

Is DBS the miracle they say it is?

I've seen so many videos of people that have had DBS and it doesn't look like th...
4809cats profile image

Goodbye sleeping tablets - natural sleep at last

For nine years I have suffered horrendous insomnia, relieved only by Zopiclone, ...
Norton1 profile image

Capital Letters.

Hi There ,I am new to this computing ways,I only was told last week that capito...
skyways profile image