I felt like I had an invisible buzz saw going on inside of me, so I broke down and started sinemet to get it to stop please. And that dang sinemet makes me nauseous and feel like crud. I will stop it and go back to vibrating. Good lord, does the sinemet nausea ever go away?
Nausea ugh!: I felt like I had an invisible... - Cure Parkinson's
Nausea ugh!

1 x domperidone 50mg 3 times a day alongside the sinemet works well for me. didn't at first, because they told me to take when required, and by the time it had taken effect it was too late, so i just filtered it into my other meds. 18 months later, and still no nausea except if i drink spirits, and that's self-inflicted punishment
You are me except I lost motor skills on the left side. BIG ? why-- are you on Sinamet if you were just diagnosed in 2011? You are on the big guns when you said you dont really have that many symptoms. I was told in 08 that I had PD. After spending a weekend reseaching PD (Parkinson institute of America was most informative) My hubby and I became educated on PD. I saw several neuros and few movement specialist did I accept I had PD. One neuro wanted to start me on sinamet first thing --NOPE I said . being that i was 41. I knew he was not the right doc for me. I was put on requip for movement and zelpar for protecting the neurons in the brain. I just started sinamet in august, my gate is off and I talk very soft. You should really get a few more opinions . I didn't mean to write a book but if you have any questions I will be more than happy to share what I know.

Yes, you are right. I just wanted the vibrating to stop. It didn't, I'm nauseous and vibrating, yuck. Too overwhelmed at the moment.
I have had PD for almost 15 years and I'm still not on Sinamet. I also had a bad reaction to it. From what I've read some people don;t have any bad side effects, but I just couldn't tolerate it. The long term side effects are what really concern me.
I take Mirapex and Amanadine. ( 1 mg 3Xs a day) .
I couldn't take Sinemet either...just too nauseous--I'd take them once in a while, to no good effect, of course. I had to do something and that was DBS. Now, I'm on 2mg Neupro patch each day--no nausea.
Try eating a little (two pieces) of crystalised Ginger after taking the medication.
It may help.

This works for me. But yes, also agree with all of the above. Sinimet is the LAST resort. Maybe Azilect will work for you. Or Requip since it's supposed to work for restless leg syndrome (although I think it's the worst drug in the world, speaking of nausea and boy did I have compulsions related to dopamine agonists). My neuro said stay undermedicated as long as you can! Love him.
I found that if I eat dairy products in the morning after my sinement dose, that causes nausea.
If I don''t eat dairy....no nausea
I have been on sinement 3 x day ( 100/25) for 3 yrs. When do the side effects begin and what is the solution? Does sinement do permanent damage? Does it impair your body's ability to produce dopamine?
Thank you so much everyone. I called in sick today. Jash I am glad to know there could be an option besides sinamet. For now I will put the sinemet back in the drawer, crawl in bed, and retreat beck into denial. I will come out again when I am stronger.
ps: bmakla54 don't worry about the side effects if you've been on it ok for 3 years. If the nausea is there, it hits like a ton of bricks, unmistakable.