Do I have UC...recent episode - Crohn's and Colit...

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Do I have UC...recent episode

Maguragirl profile image
15 Replies

Hello and I'm so glad I found this site. I was recently rushed to hospital by ambulance after suffering terrible pain and bloody stools for a couple of days. It started mild then became serious. While in hospital my condition worsened within 24 hrs causing my colon to ulcerated completely ( pancolitis ) they told me. I was on IV steroid and antibiotics with pain relief. It has been the worst experience of my life! After 10 days in hospital I responded well to treatment. I had a colonoscopy with biopsies taken ( waiting on full results from that ) currently 3 was into my predisonolone 40mg daily, and to start a tapering off next week. The Drs are saying this might not be UC as such but maybe a one off infection causing the same symptoms..I've had bloody stools previously but nothing like this incident.

Sorry for long post, think I'm still in shock with all of this. I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar story? Will it be ' real ' UC or does this happen to others? I'm over 50 so not in the age group they tell me for UC. Thanks and hope anyone has any ideas..

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Maguragirl profile image
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15 Replies
FRreedman profile image

I would wait for the result of the colonoscopy, although a calprotectin test would also give you an idea. I hope it is just a one off and not IBS/IBD

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to FRreedman

Thank you so much for replying. Yes I know I'll know more with the biopsy results next week. When I think back over this year I have had episodes of quite a lot of diarrhoea with some blood ( not much blood ) but I put it down to piles.. my inflammation markers in hospital were very high. I don't know if they did the test I keep hearing about here..calprotecin?

my diagnosis at moment is " unclear..possible UC/ Ischaemic colitis..

Sorry asking more about this. Partly worried and could do with some advice to what questions to ask..

bantam12 profile image

Not in the age group for UC ?! What do they mean, you can have UC anytime, I'm 64 and had it since early teens but not diagnosed until I was mid 40s.

If you do have UC once you are on maintenance meds it's usually controlled, although there is always the risk of a flare up.

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to bantam12

Thank you for replying. Yes they said it's generally a " young persons " disease..and would be very unusual at my age, no family history etc. My colonoscopy showed whole colon covered in ulcers & swollen to nearly maximum..9.3cm! They put me on if steroids 4 + daily 80mg I think then onto tablets,,currently on 40mg until see consultant next wk. Would irritable bowel cause this? I know it's entirely different from inflammatory bowel. Maybe I have been unlucky and had an acute one off infection causing all just seems odd I feel I had issues starting a while back before this ' crisis '

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Maguragirl

If you have extensive ulceration then it's likely to be UC, IBS doesn't cause, inflammation, bleeding or ulcers.

As I said I wasn't diagnosed until mid 40s when I was in a flare up, no family history.

If it is UC you want them to prescribe anti inflammatory meds to take, I've been on Asacol for over 20 years and not had a serious flare up since.

I hope you get some answers at your next appt, don't let them fob you off !!

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to bantam12

Thank you again! Yes extensive ulcers. I do thank them for the treatment I received as it was very close to being rushed to another hospital for major surgery..colon removal.. but with aggressive medical treatment thankfully that didn't happen. I will definitely pursue answers at my appointment! I don't want to worry about this happening again & having to start from the beginning with new docs going over this episode..and maybe having no real answers.

I'm sorry to hear you had so many years before can that happen?!! It's very worrying. I wish you good health for the future. I will post again when know more. If you can think of any particular questions I should put to them please let me know. Again many thanks!😊

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Maguragirl

Sounds like you had Mega Colon which is serious, you've been lucky that the treatment worked well.

I think your main question should be about meds to put you in remission and how to deal with a flare up should it occur.

Good luck !

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to bantam12

Thanks Bantam 😊I will have that on my list of questions. Just hope they don't say oh well you just had an infection, go home and don't worry about it..I'll post updates when I have them.

Appreciate the support & have a nice evening

Valbaty54 profile image

I was diagnosed at 61 after appendicitis so it can strike at any age, including around the 60s. Your symptoms sound severe and you have high inflammation markers, so I suspect it will be Ulcerative Colitis , not just an infection. The Faecal Calprotectin test is a stool sample to measure inflammation so you may have that. Once they have decided, you will be on some meds to keep things under control and life will improve!

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to Valbaty54

Thanks for your reply and info. This site has been so helpful for me as I didn't really know anything about this condition. I don't know if that test was done in hospital..with everything else that was happening I was to ill to ask many questions. I was passing a lot of bloody stools then just blood, but I remember I filled one of those cardboard things for samples. I presume they tested that for this calprotectin marker? But I know they were testing for an infection organism. As far as I remember some infectious tests were negative. Some doctors were vague about diagnosis, while others were insistent that it was purely an acute infection as it was sudden onset & I wasn't in the right ' category ' i.e age etc for UC. Believe me I don't want to have it..It's all a bit confusing just now.

Next weeks appointment hopefully will reveal answers for me.

I feel more confident having found people on this site who have so much knowledge and experience that is helping me. Many many thanks!

Valbaty54 profile image

Do tell them about your previous issues involving diarrhoea and blood, which are significant symptoms! Good luck x

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to Valbaty54

I will! Thank you Valbaty and have a great day there! A friend is taking me out for a small outing today so hopefully I can feel like a ' normal ' person for a time. My mind is full of questions..I may be asking more from people here over the coming I apologise in advance for this newbie taking up time. Gathering my thoughts with notes to ask the consultant next week. Knowledge is power they say right?

willow24 profile image

Pan colitis means colitis of entire large bowel. This can be due to UC or crohns colitis. Tests for infectious causes ie c-diff, CPE and food poisoning bacteria are routine. Keep us informed how your doing, and any questions just ask. This is a great forum with input from many lovely IBDers who support one another x

Maguragirl profile image
Maguragirl in reply to willow24

Many thanks Willow 24 and all that have replied to me so quickly, it's been so helpful. Yes I will come back with updates. Feeling better today & small outing with a friend! Well wishes to everyone 😊

Eixor57 profile image

I got CD when I was about 50 and that’s unusual as well.

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