Hello and I'm so glad I found this site. I was recently rushed to hospital by ambulance after suffering terrible pain and bloody stools for a couple of days. It started mild then became serious. While in hospital my condition worsened within 24 hrs causing my colon to ulcerated completely ( pancolitis ) they told me. I was on IV steroid and antibiotics with pain relief. It has been the worst experience of my life! After 10 days in hospital I responded well to treatment. I had a colonoscopy with biopsies taken ( waiting on full results from that ) currently 3 was into my predisonolone 40mg daily, and to start a tapering off next week. The Drs are saying this might not be UC as such but maybe a one off infection causing the same symptoms..I've had bloody stools previously but nothing like this incident.
Sorry for long post, think I'm still in shock with all of this. I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar story? Will it be ' real ' UC or does this happen to others? I'm over 50 so not in the age group they tell me for UC. Thanks and hope anyone has any ideas..