So, I've had gastro issues now since October last year, severe stomach cramps on my lower left side near my hip, chronic diarrhea every day, recently at least 6-7 times a day, rumbling stomach, cracked lips, ulcers which keep getting infected in my mouth, I've lost over 3 stone in weight since December, rectal bleeding sometimes. I've cut dairy/lactose out of my diet completely, and tried gluten/wheat free which helped for a short while but then started again. I've had a colonoscopy in February, which was "normal" and so were biopsies. I've tried Buscopan, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Codeine, Cocodamol, Loperamide-which block you up and then it's so bad when you do "go". I've been under Gastro team at the hospital since December after my Fecal Calprotectin was 222. Currently waiting for an MRI, which I could be waiting till May for. I went to my GP today and the doctor said it is all in my head, because colonoscopy and blood results are "normal", there is nothing medically wrong with me. I have suffered from depression for about 4-5 years, but on no medication for 4 months, and the doctor saying its in my head is very annoying for me.
Can Crohn's / Colitis be missed on a colonoscopy? Can it be present elsewhere? Would an MRI definitely show Crohn's?
Does it sound like Crohn's? Don't know about family history as my mother is adopted, and no contact from my father, but could be possible?
Could it all be in my head? But how can diarrhea be in your head when it's a physical symptom?
Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance