Hi everyone. So I was wondering if anyone experienced the same thing as me and if so, what was causing this to happen... so in September, I notice a lump in my stomach, accompanied by on and off pain. Eventually my stomach started bloating out after eating. As time goes by it gets bigger every time I eat. The other day I ate a decent amount and I looked 3 months pregnant. So the doctor sent me for an ultrasound to make sure it wasnt a hernia. The test came back normal so he sent me for blood work and a cat scan to rule out anything else. Everything came back normal besides a moderate amount of stools in my intestines. So finally he got me set up with a GI. Eventually a new lump showed up above my belly button. And I've had a low grade fever while going through these symptoms. While waiting for the appointment, the doctor prescribed me linzess. I started taking it and it caused diarrhea really quick. It was yellow and slimy and caused me to be in excruciating pain. I went to the emergency room and they just did blood work and sent me home when it came back normal. So I called the doctor and he told me to stop taking the medicine until I got my scope done. So I went today for the scope. Everything looked normal besides for the hemmeroids the prep gave me. Just an hour ago, I had passed diarrhea with orange/yellow slime/tint in it. I really want to know what's going on with me and hopefully someone out there is experiencing the same things as me. Please and thank you
Stomach issues unsolved: Hi everyone... - Crohn's and Colit...
Stomach issues unsolved

Do you have IBD or are you looking for help in diagnosis?
what symptoms do you have such as maybe diarrhoea several times a day, bleeding, mucus, pain, weight loss severe fatigue etc?
Also have you had any inflammatory bloods taken or done a faecal calprotectin
Sorry to ask so many questions but need a bigger picture before I can try and offer support/advice x
Hi. Thank you for replying. I'm looking for a diagnosis. The doctors haven't figured it out yet.
My symptoms include ... constipated but still pooping for the first 2 and a half months, diarrhea started recently but it's more like goo than poop, I've had orange and yellow poop with the diarrhea, passing a lot of gas, stomach bloating extremely with eating, pain and nausea after eating, of and on pain in my stomach throughout the day, 2 lumps in my stomach (1 above my belly button and 1 to the left of my belly button), left side is swollen all the time (it doesn't curve like my other side), fatigue but can barely sleep, weight loss (started at 96 pounds, 3 months later I'm 89 pounds), no appetite but can still force myself to eat, I think that's about it. I dont know if this has to do with what I'm going through but I've noticed I've been having a lot of bruises all over my legs when I haven't hit them at all.
The only tests I've had done was a blood test, cat scan of my stomach, ultrasound to see if there was a hernia, and a colonoscopy.
Thank you.
If bloods, scope and CT scan normal it is very unlikely to be IBD. It may be worth asking for a faecal calprotectin to be done though.
slimey yellow stools could be due to a problem with the gall bladder, however yellow stools can also be due to rapid transit caused by meds to relieve constipation.
Constipation in IBD is normally due to years of flare ups and active disease that causes narrowing of bowel wall due to scar tissue and strictures.
Im not a doctor but I feel you definately have IBS
Thank you. I will ask for a fecal test. Yeah my doctor was saying he thinks it is IBS. He gave me linzess for IBS and it caused me to get yellow diarrhea. Is that normal? If I had IBS, wouldn't the meds help instead of making my diarrhea yellow?
depends if you are intorant of the medications - if you look I bet the main side effects are diarrhoea and nausea/vomiting. Ask to try buscapan or colafac instead. In my nursing opinion busacapan seems to work better. Both these medications are antispasmodics and work bty reducing the spasms thus relieving the pain
Hi, have you had a diagnosis yet? I similar symptoms but still awaiting tests! Xx