In august I woke up with watery diarrhea for about 4 days with stomach cramps and stomach gurgling. Days before this I was experiencing bad constipation. Initially the doctors thought the diarrhea was an infection and kept sending me on my way. After the diarrhea my stomach and bowel movements have not been normal ever since. I experience constipation regularly and have pelvic pain too. I had a sigmoidoscopy and felt serious pain during the procedure and they thought this could be endometriosis of the bowel, which I was 100% convinced it was too. But the only way to diagnose that is through surgery.
I was sort of fine for the past month but that all changed last night.
So it’s now 3 months since my sigmoidoscopy and yesterday night I was experiencing a lot of flatulence and nausea all night. Woke up and had a bowel movement that wasn’t normal but wasn’t watery diarrhea. Had severe leg ache in both legs for 3 hours and couldn’t move. After my breakfast I’ve had urgency to go ever since. I’ve now been toilet 23 times in one day and it is watery every single time. I can’t keep food or even water in me. Any idea if this sounds like IBD? So sick of this and just need answers. My specialists are moving so slow with everything.