Running in the daylight.....: That's what I get... - Couch to 5K

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Running in the daylight.....

Fingalo profile image
36 Replies

That's what I get for missing my last two Saturday runs. I'd set my alarm earlier than I usually do for my weekend runs but although I was up and out by 06.45 and while three weeks ago it was still black as night at that time, this morning it was already getting light. Not good when you're a Dracula runner.

Spring is hurtling towards us eh?

As I arrived at the beachfront the first thing I saw was a streak of light passing before me and heading off to my left. Much to my dismay, rather than Lewis Hamilton out for quick blast in his F1 motor, it was some fecker running like the wind. Here I was, returning to the scene of my great triumph on Thursday (okay it was only a remarkably comfortable 6.3k run but it was a triumph to me) full of confidence and ready to take on anything the run could throw at me and already that balloon was pricked. Ho hum, that's what happens with balloons, I suppose.

Anyway, Laura gave me the nod and off I went, although I'm pretty sure I heard a wee bit of mirth in her voice I'd not noticed previously, as if she just KNEW I was going to head in the opposite direction to The Streak. I mean, who wants to watch a guy as fast as that disappearing into the distance, especially when you've just started your run?

It's just as well the 'music' was playing 90 seconds later when he came flying back past me or she'd have been pissing herself!

It was like been overtaken by a Stealth fighter when you're strapped in a hang glider.


As I regathered myself I soon forgot about him (easily done as he was nowhere to be seen and it being light, I could see for some distance) and it wasn't long before the mocking voice was telling me I was five minutes in. Not long after that I had confirmation that the fiddling I'd done with the settings on the MapMyRun app had worked, previously I'd been unable to get it to talk to me but in my ear I was hearing the first km was done. I'd only intended doing my usual 5k route so in this case I wouldn't need it but it was good to know it was sorted.

The run was turning into a bit of a slog by the time Laura said I was fifteen in, I'd not managed to 'tune out' and I was finding no joy in it at all. Then I spotted a familiar light blue top ahead, this time it was coming towards me and instead of going like Usain Bolt on steroids (ahem!) he was walking! I assumed he'd completely scorched off the soles of his trainers and therefore had no choice.

I passed him, went by the Lagoon, continued to Mills Row and turned for home, still having found no real rhythm, unusual for me at this stage. I resigned myself to it being one of those joyless runs I'd just have to grind out. Then I spotted him again, way ahead but still walking!

This threw me a bit as I had thought he'd finished his run and would have headed off the front to wherever he parked his spaceship by this stage, however thoughts of 'revenge' quickly surfaced. After all, it's all very well bombing up and down at full pelt for ten minutes but here was I still going strong (okay, I'll change that) ......still going, fifteen minutes after I'd last seen him actually running.

He was still some distance ahead but I was consumed with the hope that he didn't move off the front as I really wanted to run by him. I didn't have it in me to up my pace so all I could do was keep going, 250 yards...200...."don't turn off the front"........150.......100....."stay there".....80...."come on".......60......"I'm gonna get him"......50.......

On go the afterburners and he's feckin' gone again!

Double bastard!

Still, at least it distracted me for a bit. The rest of the run was back to slogging it, I was thinking about it all the way to the end and found it difficult to understand given my run on Thursday but that's the way it goes, sometimes there's no explanation for it, some runs are just tougher than others.

Then the MMR voice said I was at 4k and I wasn't paying proper attention but I thought the time he'd given may have suggested a reason I'd had it rough, this was confirmed when I finished because at 35.05 I'd knocked a minute and a half off my best 5k and when I checked the splits later, three minutes off the time I'd passed 5k at in the run I'd been comparing it to!

I really can't understand it, I think I'm almost metronomic in my pacing and if anything, had thought I was as slow as I've ever been, however when I checked the splits, four of the five km's were quicker than any I'd ran before!

Perhaps it was running in daylight that fooled me or even the comparison with The Streak but either way, it gave a pretty happy ending to a quite unpleasant experience.

A couple more 5k's in the week and then I'll try to add on a bit next Saturday by way of my journey to 10k.

I think I'll have a bit of fun making up a playlist for the next few runs, no disrespect to Laura but I've had enough of her tunes and perhaps it's au revoir rather than goodbye as I'm well aware that injury may require me to build up my fitness again at some stage and who better to help with that?

W9, R3 done.

Where's me badge?????

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Fingalo profile image
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36 Replies
greenlegs profile image

Hooray! I was a bit worried for a while - Fingalo posting on Saturday morning, but no grad post? What was going on? Kept looking to see if the grad post had arrived... Had to go shopping to distract myself (OK slight exaggeration there)

CONGRATULATIONS! - on graduating, and on running really fast too!

So happy for you! :D

Looking forward to seeing that badge against your name, because you have really worked hard for it. May you enjoy many very happy postgrad runs.

Treborstone profile image

Fantastic news, I've really enjoyed reading your blogs from day one. (Have you read them back yet?) Glad you have set yourself a new goal, as it really can be difficult to maintain interest / motivation. and a new goal helps no end.

Well done.

PeaBea profile image

Well done Fingalo on completing C25K. Send a message to LoraHU to get your well deserved graduate badge.

SBG356 profile image

Hey Dracula.....welcome to the Grad Club!! :) Next time you see that bastard you go kick his ass....that will get you running 10k in no time by the sounds of it! :D

Seriously, well done and enjoy the celebrations!!


notbad profile image

Well done Fingalo, never you mind The Streak, there is always someone faster out there (unless you happen to be Ussain Bolt himself). Lovely blog - hope you enjoy a graduation celebration. :-)

AnnieW55 profile image

Congratulations Fingalo - bloody well done! Celebrate long and hard.

(actually just thought that is an omission of Laura's that old disco number, Celebration, would make a good final track and it's no worse than a lot of her other stuff)

Please don't stop blogging now you have (or will soon) that shiny green badge - you have too many adventures, and a turn of phrase, not to share.

Fingalo profile image

Thanks guys.

Ha ha Greeners, do you not think my comments to yer man who asked if it gets any easier may have a tinge of 'just came in from a tough run' about them? It's a nice thought but I don't think I worked any harder for it than many others, I just whinge and moan about it more than everyone else! It seems a common denominator among the vast majority of us that we'd done little or no exercise in years, so every one of us would have found it tough.

Yet to read them back Trebes, as you know though, I'll be doing so this weekend at some stage. And ordering my C25k t-shirt!

I saw your intervention in that regards Peabs, message sent. Truth be known, I almost sent the 'can I have my badge' message before taking off my sweaty run clothes this morning....

Kick his ass Sue? I reckon I'd have to lie in wait overnight having dug some kind of trap if I'm to even get close to him, let alone kick his ass! I can only assume he's a sprinter, not out for distance as we otherwise I can't understand his explosive speed and long walking period.

That's true Notb, although I'm used to seeing faster runners, this guy was just exceptionally quick, as I said to Sue, on reflection I think he's training for something else......Like perhaps a long jump to the moon.

I'm taking your advice Annie, I have a fridge full of beer that I've to shift before Mrs Fingalo complains about the lack of space. No better man!

And I'll continue to blog, not only because I genuinely appreciate that some of you enjoy them but because I really enjoy writing them. They help with my running too.

TX-Bluebonnet profile image

I loved reading your blog, very entertaining, even laughed out loud, but while I'm reading it I'm hearing Laura's voice in my head saying, "You're half way through now, only 10 more paragraphs to go... Hang in there, just two more paragraph... Well done, you did it!"

But serously, a big congratulations on finishing the program and hope you'll keep on with the blogging/story telling - especially all the lovely details! :)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to TX-Bluebonnet

I definitely think I'm the only blogger whose posts take longer to read than his runs to run.

gdeann profile image

Well done Graduate! Enjoy that much deserved badge as well as a brew or two! :-) Congratulations and wishing you a very successful 10K journey! Gayle

SBG356 profile image

Your blogs may be long but love reading them!!

Fingalo profile image

Thanks Gayle, your support throughout hasn't gone unnoticed. Alongside Greeners I think you're of huge importance to this site and I'm sure I'm not the only one to benefit.

Thanks Sue, some people like short and sweet and that's good too but the way I see it, I started writing them first and foremost as a record for me to look back on, if others enjoy them it's a huge bonus and I'd be a liar if I didn't say I appreciate the feedback.

Saruma profile image

Loved your graduation blog Fingalo, well done on your achievement xxx

runningwild profile image

Well done Fingalo! I enjoy reading your blogs as well!

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to runningwild

Thanks Runners.

Fingalo profile image

Thanks Saruma.

In thanking Gayle and Greeners, I'm reminded of Shakylegs who started this thing about the same time as me but had to drop out due to injury. The last I heard Shaky was intending to return but that was a while ago now and it seems motivation or injury may still be a problem.

I hope you read this Shaky and get back out there soon.

Bilby profile image

Congratulations! And thanks for a really entertaining blog post, it was fun to read.

123456789 profile image

Hey hey! Congrats to you! And on your smashing time, great to see your plans coming to fruition and I'm sure Laura still luv's ya!

Hope your badge comes first class!

All the best


Bibs profile image

Well done Fingalo, I knew your graduation blog would be a good 'un. Yet another 5k from you and in a great time :-)

Esprit profile image

Well done Fingalo!!! Congratulations. I was reading your blog and laughing about the sprinter but I kept wanting to skip bits to see if you had graduated. And you have! Welcome to the Graduate club.

Tish1970 profile image

A great big hearty congratulations!! Gosh how time flys. Reading about your progress from the struggles with running a few minutes to resolving yourself to go for a 10k. With all your quirks and foibles, has been an absolute pleasure. well done on graduating and thank you for bringing a smile, a laugh out loud and inspiration. Tricia :)

rolphie2 profile image

Woo hoo fantastic graduation and quickest 5k brilliant :-) champagne cork is popping here. A massive well done to you. Good luck as you begin to train for your 10k, keep running and keep blogging. Looking coursers to seeing that green badge :-D

Fingalo profile image

Thanks guys.

I'll be wearing this for that 10k:

Jeddahpm profile image

Congratulations and well done Fingalo

Fingalo profile image

Thanks Jedda.

Khrissy profile image

Yay! Congratulations!!!! Just back from Barca and I was looking for this, very well done you. Much respect and keep blogging. Where's the badge?!

Hi Fingalo - Well done with graduating - sounds like you are doing good - and already heading to a 10k :-)

Fingalo profile image

Cheers folks.

Assuming it was a pleasure trip Khrissy, how did you find it? Oh and badge is applied for.

Yes Shuffles, I'm glad I decided to make 10k my goal as I realised almost as soon as the decision was made that coming to the end of the programme had been more of a concern than I'd realised, at least since Week 7 it had been playing on my mind.

Khrissy profile image
KhrissyGraduate in reply to Fingalo

And there it is, you're official now!

Barcelona was amazing if a little cold, it even snowed on Saturday night! Loved it though, it's got to be my favorite city in the world and a fitting place to undertake my first outdoor run! Might even try outside tonight depending on how dark it is when I get home! Once again, well done!

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Khrissy


Oh Barcelona can be cold all right, in fact we've been there when it was cold enough in the evening to make you cry! Glad you enjoyed it.

skf28 profile image

Just catching up on all the goings on - congratulation Fingas the grad badge looks good!

look forward to y'blogs on the way to 10K :-)

buffster profile image

Well done mate! All worth it in the end, eh? Hope your journey to 10k is just as rewarding.

Fingalo profile image

Thanks SKF.

And you Buffster. Glad to see you're back at it, it must have been a frustrating time. I had an enforced break when I was in Ireland for the Christmas as my back played up so I know how you must have felt.

I'm going to go at the 10k gently, I'm in no rush so will ease it up gradually but first I intend having another couple of weeks (at least) of sticking to 5k, I reckon I've earned it.

Tish1970 profile image

Love the badge Fingalo! Suits you :D

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Tish1970

Cheers Tish.

Wait until you read what I did this morning....

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to Fingalo

Oooh can't wait! ;)

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