Hello running lovelies,
Thought I'd check in, I've been lurking but post-less for a while now.
As you may know I've been marching on through B210K. And now I'm so close to the end My next run will be 2 lots of 30 minutes with a one minute walk interval
then I'm on to the graduation run, one hour running. Wow.
Having said that I had a bit of a bad experience while out running two runs ago and I thought I'd share with the group for some lovely free therapy.
I was away from home but determined to get out on my evening run anyway, and eventually made it out at around 9.30. About half way through my run a taxi pulled along side me. I didn't think too much of it, but when the car started to crawl along beside me, matching my own pathetic pace I glanced over and saw the driver had his window down and was leering and gesturing at me. I tried to ignore him and run on, feeling quite self conscious but determined not to react. He sped up, only to slow down and reverse back level with me and continue crawling along beside me. It wasn't yet dark and we were on a relatively busy road, however other drivers were overtaking him and he seemed untroubled to be acting so dangerously. I let him repeat his stop-start routine three times, taking at least five minutes before I responded. On the third time I slowed, then sprinted towards his window, both fists raised, screaming,
He sped off instantly and I, stubborn as I am, carried on my way, having not stopped running. At the time I was full of adrenaline and incredulous at the whole situation. I did go home and call the taxi firm and reported his reg. and described his behaviour and that was that. Or so I thought.
However, last night I came to run again only to find that this experience was lingering. I felt nervous. Despite it being hot I decided to wear my full length leggings and long sleeve thermal layer, I felt conspicuous. I also tucked my clunky old mobile in my back pocket and told my housemate where I was off to and how long I'd be (an unusual courtesy!). I still felt nervous. On my warm up walk my legs were shaky, my throat was dry, and it was clear I was going to be too hot in my chosen outfit. Not good when you're facing a 50 minute run. Anyway, I set off running, and despite the thirst not leaving and a generally twitchy and hostile attitude to all other road, pavement and park users I made it around my route. Phew.
Let's hope that one was a 'recovery' run, and that the next one will be better
Take care and happy running one and all, Emily x