So, last week (6) I found the runs really tough, to the point where the not-so-little couch potato devil on my shoulder urged me to wobble back off to the sofa and not move.... oh boy was I tempted!!
But, I took myself off to Lidl to check out their 'sporting essentials' and came away with some new capri bottoms to cheer myself up.
Armed in new said Lycra bottoms I gave the OH a twirl and set out for W7R1 yesterday morning (still on the treadmill in the garage).... Imagine my horror at finding they are not quite as supportive as my trusty Nike capri bottoms!! With every shuffling footstep I could feel my buttocks slapping the treadmill behind me. Talk about off putting
But I shuffled my way through and was more than glad when Laura told me it was time to walk again.
Had the same problem tonight with R2, can still feel my buttocks bouncing around but ploughed on regardless. It was a lot tougher to run after work, I usually run in a morning but this week is going to be a bit topsy turvey so needed to squeeze a run in tonight.
I like the idea of running and I like the feeling after doing a run, it's the bit in the middle I'm having difficulty with lol. I hope it will become a little easier..
For now I will have to hope the hidden Kenyan on the inside is fighting back!!
Roll on R3... no, really!!