Confused my brain so my body did what I wanted... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Confused my brain so my body did what I wanted it to do!!

Oldgirl profile image
21 Replies

For a while now I have been thinking about trying longer runs but have never managed much more that 5.5K. But this morning I set off at a steady pace to run an old favourite route which crossed another old favourite route. I hoped once I got to the crossing over I would be able to carry on running and therefore manage to extend my distance. Yep it worked, I ran 4Km of the first route, instead of turning left to head home I kept on going into my second route which is one I love doing. Up into the park area, passed the school, big bonus no kids as they are now on holiday. Now the lovely steady downward slope (very gentle) just what the tiring legs needed. Back through a lovely tree lined road and home. Total distance 7K not fast 49.08 minutes but hey I've broken the mind-set that 5K was all I was capable of doing. Believe it or not my confused brain kept telling me, I love this route maybe one day we could do two laps of it!! Yikes that would give me 10K just like that :) Nice thought, I'm planning scheming and dreaming but damn I feel good this morning.

Got some housework to do then going to the gym for a gentle swim and aqua gym class. I just have 1.5lbs to get to my target weight after losing 3 stone over the past year. THIS IS THE WEEK I WILL DO IT.

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Oldgirl profile image
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21 Replies
laj1987 profile image

Wow! I wish I had your energy!! But congrats on running that far :)

angela77 profile image

Wow. That is fab going. Well done

shelleymcb profile image

this is such an inspiring positive post. a brilliant read.

I also wish I had your energy & enthusiasm ~ went out this morning & now need a power nap :)

have fun & hoping you hit the weight target this week. X

MuirDragonne profile image

Awesome going, Oldgirl! You keep on going, those last pesky 1.5 lbs will soon be gone. :)

Rose885 profile image

Wow well done! I knew you had it in you :) 10k is in sight now. I didn't realise you had lost so much weight, that's brill. You're so close to your target too it won't be long.

hollyO profile image

Brilliant! Well done. 7k should be a goal for me too but I haven't done enough 5ks yet! Have fun with the aquafit :)

notbad profile image

You really are an inspiration to us all (I'm plugging away at week 4), no wonder you feel damn good - you should do after conquering those extra kms! :-)

virtualrunner profile image

I agree with the above- you are a real inspiration :-) I did Wk3R2 today - very hard- but kept going cos of everything you and the others say!! Brilliant blog - you are going toget to all your goals really soon!!

Burstcouch profile image

This is so good. I need to tell my brain not to tell to the body that its tired after 5.5k too, as I do want to go further, but there is part of me that just can't ..............yet. I live in hope one day.

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to Burstcouch

Oh you and me both Burstcouch, I just couldn't get passed 5.5K I just ran out of steam. I think I was setting off to fast. Today was slow but at least the ground was covered and if I'm honest I could have kept going. I need to think how I can increase this figure of 8 two routes. The problem I will have is if I add on a loop in either direction I'm going to envolve steep hills not a good choice!! I'll go back and study my GRG routes, there will be a way, but it needs to be runs that I enjoyed doing, that I think was the reason for my success this morning, I was running where I liked to run.

Grammadog1947 profile image

Excellent route planning, Oldgirl! It's nice to have lovely surroundings to run in...makes it all so much more fun. (lol).

I didn't realize you had lost so much weight. How proud you must be. My goal also is to lose 3 stone. Did it come off gradually over the past year, or in fits and starts? I've lost a stone so far, most of it the first few weeks, but it has leveled off now so I suppose it's just grind it out from here.

Continued good running to you!

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to Grammadog1947

Have lost the weight mainly through, had a bad health scare just over 3 years ago when I was rushed into hospital with suspected heart attack. Had a really pressurized job, long hours and driving was a nightmare getting home some days.

Anyway was left popping pills and inactive for over 3 months while things got sorted out. Then being asthmatic took 3 chest infections one after another, I was already about 1.1/2 stone over weight when this all started and even more piled on, result 3 stone extra to carry about, not good. Health was back on an even keel and now had to sort the weight, so I lost 12lbs myself but struggled to keep going I needed to keep better track of calories, fat and my exercise. Found Boots and have not looked back.

Their daily diary registers your food calories and fat, the exercise logged calculates calories burned. No foods banned you just have your allowances to stick to - simples!

Boots don't recommend you lose more than 1-2lbs per week and as you get nearer your target weight things slow down. I have found the running to start with caused me to gain weight but now its coming off again. Good combination is running 3 times a week sometimes 4 and I swim 1K x 2 per week. Weather permitting hubby gets off the couch and we have an afternoon walk of about 5K, its relaxed and not at any great speed though. He has threatened to put a dog lead on me to slow me down some days!! I do the odd zumba class and aqua gym too. I'm a great believer in variety being the spice of life. :)

Grammadog1947 profile image

I am going to join a local YMCA after my 65th birthday (senior discount) so I can start swimming and weight workouts. Two years ago I had a serious housefire and the subsequent stress of rebuilding it and the fact that I had just retired combined to put over 20 pounds on a hurry. (I'm a "stress eater".) Add to that a 20 pound weight creep since i had quit running before and I was in deep trouble. I'm hoping to be back to "fighting weight" by next summer. Not helping my knees, or my pace, to be carrying all this extra baggage. Good luck to you!

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to Grammadog1947

You can do it Grammadog I think we are like minded 'girls' so if I can you can. :)

AliB1 profile image

That's great oldgirl. Inspiring blog! I now need to take a leaf out your book and get out there and do more than 5.5k too (I know I can do it with walk breaks but want to be able to do it without!).

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to AliB1

Ali I was the same I just couldn't go more than 5.5K until this morning, I thought long and hard on how to tackle it and this was my solution, was so pleased it worked. I lost GPS sigal 4 times during the run so mapped the route on my return on GRG it worked out at 6.99Km on there but actual including altitude 7.24Km so I'm really pleased. Just need to plan again to try and get up to about 8.5 then 10K. I'm looking forward to the challenge now.

Stephanie-j profile image

Wow, that's so impressive, well done, Oldgirl! I've been trying, in vain, to trick my brain too. I think changing/adapting routes is the way to go. I find it harder to run around in the park, it gets boring but out in the "wild", as wild as it gets in central London anyway, I perform better. You are so inspirational, I will think of your blog when the going gets tough on my run tomorrow...and also before I stuff my face with chocolate!

sfb350 profile image

Making routes more interesting certainly helps. I've just been reading Jeff Galloway's Book of Running and there is a whole chapter devoted to ways of getting the right hand (creative) side of your brain to trick the left hand side of your brain so that you can run further. It's interesting how important mental attitude is - and that you can play tricks on yourself !

Well done !

icandothis profile image

Wow thats amazing, i will try to increase distance soon, but happy with 5k at the moment, well done :)

welshwoman56 profile image

I love this blog as it's so inspiring to a new runner like me. I'm on week 6 and I am starting to enjoy the running but can't imagine being able to run 5k! I am at my target weight and don't want to lose any more but would like to tone up.Well done on your extended run and your weight loss. I will think of you when I'm out running tomorrow.x

mair99 profile image

Wow oldgirl what a great blog, very inventive way to change your mental approach. Now that you have started I'm sure you will be able to keep increasing your distance more easily. Don't be shy of hills... they are just another mental challenge to overcome (and theyre great for your bum!)

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