Yah ive finished big thanks to Laura
Its been quite a journey, never thought i would do something like this, i havent done any exercise for years, am a few stone over weight and am not young anymore For newbies and those behind me in the plan, my tips would be do it in your own time, i proberly should have finished 3 weeks ago but ive been ill, had a bad back, been to tired, couldnt motivate myself out there and just plan not had the time, oh and the RAIN!! But ive still done it
The trick i think is not to berate yourselve if you experience any of the above, just dust yourself down and try again next day be kind to yourselve
I havent worried about speed or distance either just kept my eye on the goal which is to finish. Hope that helps someone
I will miss Laura but im really looking forward to my own music! My aim was only ever to run 3 times a week for 30 mins, for fitness, to loose weight and to tone and thats still my plan at the moment! I hope my speed and distance will naturally increase? Thankyou all for the encouragement and your blogs ive lurked everyday even when i havent blogged and i find reading and blogging on here really helps
Ok some questions before i go, hope im not boring anyone?? Insomniacs your welcome!
How do i get my graduate badge, how do i change my silhouette im a girl!
Oh and one more sorry, i use endomondo to map my run, i turn it on right at the start before my 5min walk and off again after my 5 min walk, so my distance includes my walk and run. Is this what every one else does?
thanks again all, just keep running everyonexxx